Not me…
I have been complaining about PI + Ebon might since Season 2.
That is a post from June 2023. One year and a half ago.
And ever since I posted that (and earlier since in S1 of DF) there has always been a meta priest and I have always been complaining about it :
Either SP or Disc. Not holy though. And over time what you have seen is nerf after nerf to priests. And after the 1000th nerf to SP in S2 of DF eventually it became so F tier (DPS wise) that they got the 2nd best healer (not the 1st pick who was Monk) as meta : Disc.
And then they slowly buffed SP once again, and upsie ! SP started to be meta once again…
And what happened in S1 of TWW ? Well all 3 priest specs were garbage. Disc, Holy and SP. So the benefit you gained from PI + Fortitude did not justify carring a healer that performed 10 to 20% worse than every other healer… or a DPS that did 30% less DPS than any other pick…
But a couple of buffs later… all you need is 1 priest to be “half decent” at whatever roll is available to catapult it back to meta pick…
Because of PI and Fortitude… (Plus Ebon Might of course)…
I did not say that. Here is an example:
What I said is that designing dungeons made specifically for a RShaman toolkit is not good for the game. Because its good for RShamans today, but I spent all DF sweating all those diseases I could not dispel. And I don’t want to have to wait until blizzard makes M+ dungeons full of curses to not have to sweat again…
What I wanted was to organize all the dispels for example. In such a way that healers, and healers ONLY could dispel every debuf that could be dispelled. So that we ALL have a chance to deal with things.
And the reason I asked to change dungeons for RShamans instead of nerfing the toolkit is because we Shamans do not have a positive external we can give to ONE DDs. Which is what PI is. And its a skill no other class other than Aug has. And I should not need to get into the details as to why “support” skills and specs are a problem. You can check out any of the Aug posts on your own. And PI is one of those things that lands in the same category.
But if you want one of my epic walls of text about why PI (and Aug by extension) creates so many problems I can write it for you. I have it saved in a note-pad because I am sick of posting the same thing since Nov 2022… And being proven right every single season…
Just let me know.
I am as optimistic or pessimistic as the M+ season is.
I will not pretend like im having fun when im not.