11.1 patchnotes / Class changes

Haven’t seen anything about this here… thoughts?

  • Specializations for hunter pets can now be changed in the stable via a dropdown menu.

All i needed to change to hunter, pet freedom finally.


“Developers’ notes: Moving into Undermine(d), we are looking to reimagine Marksmanship’s Sharpshooter fantasy and reconcile some large spec friction points such as Lone Wolf. Undermine(d) is seeing Marksmanship lose their pet functionalities and it is instead joined in battle by a unique Eagle pet that will exist outside of the game space but continue to support you in combat in a uniquely Marksmanship way.”

Does this mean, no pet now?
Sad day if it does. I’ve had my Cat since I tamed her during the good old days of summoning the boss cat for a quest in Winterspring.

My old long gone cat still lives on because of the game, will be sad if MM loses pets completely as a result of these changes.

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Theres 4 different threads on that subject where they belong, in the hunter section.

I see MM main players very upset, since MM no anymore use pet. I feel bad for them.

<— main BM

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The amount of changes are ridiculous.


I will say it again.

The current talent tree system is a big failure. It has exactly the same problem as vanilla/BC/WLK and only worse. And it will fail the same way.

Remove the whole talent and hero talent system, and bring back MOP talents.


Not all of them. In the Hunter forums a lot of people are happy about this change.

I’m excited about it too. You have two other specs that utilise pets. Not like you lose the pet completely if for some reason you feel attached to it.

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I have one request of blizzard, please do not accidentaly nerf feral when trying to get resto off of cat form. Feral is barely playable as it is, touch it and all feral players can go back to hibernation for the rest of the expansion probably since you refuse to balance them anymore in any patch notes directly outside of like a single change here or there.

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The fantasy of an Archer/Gunner and his loyal companion is now gone forever. BM is a zoo keeper spec, and SV is…well it’s SV. (I like SV tho)
I can emphasize with people who liked that fantasy, because the first scene of the first WoW cinematic sells you on that fantasy with the Dwarf and his bear(Guess what I played in vanilla)

I personally love BM and the zoo keeper aspect, with the Glyph all the summoned pets are from my own stables and I love that.

A neat solution would be a Glyph where the random eagle gets replaced by your loyal cat or wolf you’ve had since 2005 for those abilities. It won’t be the same, but it would help those Hunters a lot, or just Hunters who don’t like the idea of some random eagle helping you.


How I understood it the eagle is more of an animation of some abilities than an actual pet.

You aren’t the only one who expressed that they will miss their pet. Can’t really relate to it, because for me the pet is just an annoying source of Mortal Wounds a bad stun and some other mildly useful abilities. Looking forward to not having to manage that idiot undead raptor.

We will have to wait and see how this plays out, maybe Blizzard will allow for customisation of the eagle if people complain that they miss their pets…:man_shrugging:

Keep in mind that some people(not me) have played the same Hunter for the 20 years they played this game, and for those 20 years they had that one wolf from Elwynn Forest or that one Cat from Tel’drassil at their Hunters’ side. It may seem silly to you, but people grow attached.

I personally won’t miss my pets because I like playing BM or SV, but I can relate. If I had still played that same Dwarf Hunter with that same Cat I traveled all the way to Darkshore for(whiteGhost cat) as MM I would actually be pretty upset right now.

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And great idea for dic priests… “The goal of these changes is to reduce the number of cooldowns Discipline has access to and bake some of that power into other abilities.”
really great now you put ultimate pentinance into the mid so everyone takes it=+1 cd and then you take away a very cool cd (rapture) and we get a “click and heal” button instead which was only used in raids so far… so m+ players get +2 cds and raid players loose 1 xD

Evangelism is pretty boring just increasing atonement and healing…
also a huge class fantasy on disc always was shielding now you got a power word: shield on a round about 5-6 seconds cd which also isnt thaaat strong
how combining evangelism with rapture? so just rapture with a better indemnity talent? so all power word:shields from rapture gain+5seconds of atonement? so after the 5. shield the first target has the normal atonement duration of 15 seconds on it?

Also i guess that would be a HUGE nerf to pvp for disc

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And yet they still have not addressed the elephant in the room:

PI and Fortitude.

When it comes to M+, it dosent matter how many healing CDs a priest has. All that matters is Ebon Might + PI to the FOTM OP DPS spec. Literally only that.

Paladin tank is so strong right now, yes let’s nerf Protection Warrior lol
What’s Blizzard think of?
After those nerfs in the M+ you have to decide to spending very limited rage on Ignore Pain or Shield Block to DEF or Revenge to keep the aggro? on Ignore Pain lost aggro or keep aggro then die? lol
Isn’t Tanks and Healers are harder than before already?
Is a game! Blizzard you should know, we are the customers, and we pay you to play the game for fun, not doing an University graduation thesis.

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MM main here

im looking forward to the change,

ill be honest this change should mean less keybinds for me :slight_smile:

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I can’t wait to play MM :partying_face:

So what you are saying is, that if a group doesnt have access to a disc, they will bring a holy instead of Shaman or monk? Assuming that a priest cant spec to disc for whatever reason. Dont use “if they can get holy they can get disc” as an argument here.

You know that thats not true. Yes PI is really powerful and id love to see it go, but holy has those same tools. The elephant is not PI, its disc being really strong apart from that.

When Shaman was meta all you did was cry “well let us for once!”, and i agreed with that, but now that disc took over you u-turned and went back to a top tier complainer, its honestly hard to even read.
You really seem to have a deeply rooted grudge for anything you personally do not agree on and you have a tendency to say the exact same things in a multitude of threads, over and over and over again.

Do you not get tired of repeating yourself so many times?
You yourself havent even noticed that not even that long ago you were a lot more optimistic when posting, even with Rsham being bad, but that has completely changed these days.

I was planning to swap away from Holy priest as my main because the spec turned out to be so bad, and there aren’t enough M+ tanks in my guild, but the 11.1 rework sounds very promising.

The new Windwalker change-up ability that’s replacing Flying Serpent Kick sounds interesting. I already like how Windwalker generally looks and feels to play, but that new charge-up could make it my favorite DPS to play.

Also the DH changes, although not massive, could make both specs a lot more fun to play.

Hunter will probably be #1 DPS, because the classes that get huge reworks usually end up there.

Hmm, what to main next? :thinking:

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If anything goes like usual the reworks end up be powerhouses for next month or two :smiley:

Which holy very much would deserve at this point anyway after being worst healer through entire season 1. Its well deserved reworks anyway and hopefully they make it good.

Also the hunter ones look good considering pet has always been problematic and clunky for mm so its finally good if they get rid of the traditional pet and replace it with something like this companion thing in the sky.