Current Farseer Elemental Shaman is by far my most favorite spec in the game, and the most fun I’ve ever had in WoW. The rotation plays extremely well as everything weaves in nicely and the animations & sound effects are top tier.
On the PTR we have received numerous changes that, just like the tank & healing changes going into the expansion, achieve the complete opposite of what you set out to accomplish.
The changes to Primordial Wave were done in an effort to make the rotation less complex, but all it really does is force us to now monitor and re-apply Flame Shock every ~16-18 seconds. This completely breaks the flow of the rotation and also ends up as a DPS loss. Settings up AddOns to track and manage debuffs adds more complexity to an already bloated spec.
The changes to Ascendance are mind-boggling. 100% to 50% effectiveness Lava Burst and Elemental Overload damage changed from +150% to +25% is one of the largest nerfs I have ever seen.
The update to Lightning Bolt turning it from instant damage to a projectile causes ancestors to cast less spells over their duration. This is yet another nerf that has gone by unnoticed.
With all of these changes, I am dealing less damage in fully upgraded Mythic Undermine gear than I am on live with 635 ilvl. This isn’t the worst part - numbers can be tuned quickly. The problem is that you have turned a spec that was near perfect rotationally to a spec that feels extremely clunky and disorganized, while also adding extra complexity to it.
If you were truly attempting to make Elemental Shaman less complex, you should have made Primordial Wave apply Flame Shock for 30 seconds and some minor numbers tuning to bring the spec to a decent level. Everything else should be reverted to the way it was in patch 11.0.7.