11.1 Why is Malefic Rapture still a thing?

It makes the spec feel out of place and sort of gives it a ramp up style of gameplay. I want my dots to do the damage, not a spammable ability, Shadow Bolt is already the spammy short cast ability, which also has an AoE potential with that one talent. Also for newer players, it must be not very clear when in AoE they should use which spender. MF or Seed of Corruption. Because they both cost a soul shard and both do AoE damage.


What do you suggest in its place? They’re not going to change it for a while.

I think it should be a proc spell to burst damage.

Could be in many ways. Like a channeled spell like Malefic Grasp did, but then maybe on all targets affected by your dots. Or Make UA the spender again, buffing it greatly and casting it on multiple targets to make it a big ‘oh no’ spell again since it shouldn’t be dispelled.

Or maybe a more controversial approach since agony randomly generates shards, a revamped MR could also randomly make your UA spend shards for increased damage.

Or make a better synergy with Sophon Life and shard spending. So many better option than spamming MR

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