120 level bg queues

Hi all,
I notice quee times of 8-10 minutes for unrated bgs…
Do you have similar type of problem? Have the people stopped playing?

You are extremely lucky if your queue is only 8-10 minutes. Mine is always around 15mins.
PVP has been killed basically, battlegrounds yield nothing. If you want gear you either do m+, raids or high rated bgs and arena. There isn’t much reason to run battleground besides honor farm and achievements.


add that since we’re so far in the xpac, you can’t actually gear up through arena. The ilvl difference from when you hit 120 and now is way too big. Was kinda possible tho up until season 2 if you were good

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the thing is that I only do bgs because I do love them. I am a busy man that I only want to play some time there and then take some rest :slight_smile:
if blizzard does not fix this I will stop playing soon. I am not a pve guy whatsoever.
I live for pvp

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8-10 minutes queue on the horde? You lucky bastard. Last time I did some pvp on the horde I had queues 25-35 minutes.

these are really long queues guys… :frowning:

I love pvp too, but yeah, it’s a freaking hell to gear up at 120 if you don’t pve aswell. I leveled a few toons from like 100-120 through BG’s, and when I reach 120 I stop playing on that char, cause pvp stop being fun.

PVP gear would be the easiest to get around ever. It’s not fun for any1 to pvp with undergeared players.

Like let there be an armory, you fight for your faction afterall, where they give you a basic set of gear, that you can only use in BG’s. You should still be able to get better gear from other content, but you don’t get 2 shottet.

You can queue as mercenary and get instant queues you know. :smiley::wink:

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Not always still waiting as mercenary a lot

Meanwhile im chilling on my max 3min queue for Korrak’s & Random.

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I guess the only option is doing epic and trying to get those 395 items and here and there some chests with 415?

I get impatient if alliance q goes over 3 mins, but luckily it’s often in the 1 min range.

PVP is dead, little reason to pvp

If you play Horde you will always have a longer queue. You can choose to go Mercenary but that means you will be on the Alliance team. The system exists to alleviate queue times and boost numbers on the side that isn’t queuing as much. They removed the honor bonus for going mercenary in the last patch so it is just for a faster queue now. You will not gain any reputation (if applicable) while you are a mercenary.

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