12/12m lfg

Is your guild stuck on 11/12?
My guild is on a break til pre-patch hit, but a few of us want to keep playing. We are there for offering our help to any guild wanting to get that sweet Cutting Edge. This means we are not interested in transfering server but instead raiding x-realm.

What you can expect from us is vast xp on all of the 12 fights, you can expect us to provide assisstance regarding strats if you want to or our ability to addapt to what ever strat your guild is running.

My warcraftlogs : https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/id/40904620

Feel free to add me on battlenet: JesperOlsson#2585
Or add me on disc: Sidonis#0239


Feel free to check us out mate! [A] 2 Day Mythic Guild: Natural Competition Recruiting For Shadowlands