Due to change in circumstances looking for a guild that raids twice a week (not Tuesday, Friday or Saturday)
hit CE on a mage this tier but am open to re rolling however un decided.
Hey Zelgoo,
My guild Véndetta (A) is currently on the lookout for a mage for shadowlands.
We’re one of the longlasting guilds on the connected servers Alonsus, Anachronos and Kul Tiras. We’ve been raiding since 2007 but took a break since late Legion. We have not raided at all in BfA but with the next expansion incoming we decided to start our guild up again and go back to our former glory.
We are a progress based raiding guild that likes to push as far as possible. our focus will be to raid in a relaxed and fun environment, while keeping focus high in order to get those bosses down. Our aim is to clear heroic and go as far in mythic as possible, hopefully managing to get CE like we used to. We are not a world or server race guild and raid in our own pace, we do expect our raiders to give it their all during progress.
We raid on wednesday, sunday and monday from 20.00 - 23.00 servertime, with 2 obligated progression days and 1 extra raid for whatever is needed at that time (gearing run, extra progress,…).
We also like to run m+ and got players from all strenghts delve into those dungeons, so there is always players looking for casual dungeons or to push their keys.
You can check out our recruitment post for more information:
Feel free to add my Btag so we can have a chat if this sounds interesting for you.
Hope to hear from you!
Kind regards,
Officer of Véndetta
Hi Zelgoo
Zim Zalabim is a semi-hardcore raiding guild, mainly built up from friends who have played WoW with each other since Legion and before. We will be raiding two nights a week at 20:00 - 23:00 server time, dates haven’t been decided yet, but Wednesday and Monday are preferred from most current guild members.
Previously we were a mythic raiding team in BFA and Legion but have since server changed to Ravencrest for a bigger playerbase to fill the ranks.
We have cleared mythic raid tiers in the past but in BFA some of the players got burnt out and stopped playing, with the limited number of high end raiders on the server the guild found themselves short of members, now on Ravencrest the aim of the guild is to clear mythic raids and get cutting edge etc.
And if you like PvP a number of members have made the Gladiator rank in multiple seasons.
If this sounds interesting to you and you want to chat more then feel free to add me on battle.net,
I would like to stay horde side so that i can still play with friends etc, but thank you for your offers guys
I run a 2 night guild that raids thursday and sunday. Add my discord and we can have a proper talk. Im wbwb#3125
RAID : Shadowlands Legends is a 2 night raiding guild, we raid on wed and sun 20.00 - 23.00 .
We start this guild fresh with a core of people who raided the last 2 years together.
Looking for mythic progression, although unsure about cutting edge.
Social and active players.
Also a playerbase for M+ and Arenas
DirtyHaribo#0676 Hit me up on discord for more info.
Hey! We’re a 2day raiding guild (Monday & Thursday) 8pm-11pm on Draenor Horde, check out our Guild Recruitment and feel free to add me for a proper chat!