[points out that a thread about this topic already exists and an additional one isn’t necessary]
[Standard reply disagreeing with everything you said and outing you as a fanboi and a troll!!!]
[forum white knight accusation]
[lame whine about actiblizz shills]
[points out previous generic interesting topic got irrelevant]
[something about a new common problem in every thread]
[every single one]
[Accuses you of crying in every thread. Calls you a baddie. Makes excessive use of CAPS LOCK]
[caught off guard, doesn’t know how to react to this]
[witty comment about your transmog]
[rants about forum likes]
[A newcomer has entered the game]
[Tries to make witty comment]
[Also something about blood elf master race]
[grateful paragraph detailing what armour is used]
[points to hypocrisy with own cry thread]
[accuses trolls for derailing thread]
[Accuses obvious furry of racism towards the troll master race]
[points out that the only good trolls are Zandalari]
[bemoans the lack of playable Amani]
[Accuse Original poster for playing multiple Vulpera] something something furry something.
[Remembers when she saw his Vulpera mage on a WOTLK dungeon]
[Admits she struggled to find out if his Vulpera was female or male]
[Strongly agrees]
[further derails thread with additional blood elf appreciation]
[implies hypocrisy in still posting]
[quotes initial “unnecessary thread” post]
[points out there is no such thing and all Vulpera are gender neutral]
[says emo elves should crawl back into the void and stay there]
[replies with insult about your lack of skill in game]