It is Saturday, 15:00. Like, wth happened? It was 3-5 minutes week and a half ago. I am usually at 1.9k-2,2k mmr with 1650cr. Waiting so long for a rated blitz to happen is insane, this one should have been the highlight of the expansion … and it was for a month. Now you manage to play 2 games in an hour if you are lucky enough.
Blizzard’s lack of credibility and sheer incompetence when it comes to releasing an enjoyable, bug-free patch without disgustingly overtuned god tier specs
Are you saying you don’t enjoy spending more time waiting in queues than actually playing?
I too have noticed a gigantic change in queue times too. And quality of games doesn’t seem any better or worse.
2h 15min for me on my main
Im not sure if its bugged but Ibalso waited for like 45min and it didnt queue, maybe the phasing bug is also affecting queues or people are afraid to play
Players who were stuck at low mmr cried about elo hell. Ie something that dont exist its just a consequence of their skill level.
Blizzard listened to this and changed mmr plus made changes to spec stacking in blitz.
Because of this the queue is way longer because it tries to find players very very close to your matchmaking value before the matchmaking were just gathering every player at x mmr plus minus your hidden mmr.
Instead of fun chaos with big MMR spread, BGBs became instead a sweatlord mode with everything scripted (and you get reported for “wintrading” for not following the script)
in other words, it’s no longer fun and is gonna be abandonned like other rated pvp modes
enjoy TWW
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What does ‘Elo Hell’ mean? I’d argue elo hell does exist. Elo hell being a lower elo where it’s arguably unreasonably hard to climb out of because people are so bad at the game, that every game feels like a coin toss. This is naturally more common in blitz than in say, shuffle, due to the higher number of players in a blitz game making yourself have less impact on the outcome
Now, elo hell does NOT exist as some jail for players that have unfairly been condemned to stay, where they get rigged games so they cannot climb out.
There are a lot of people that seem to believe they’re experiencing the latter. This is obviously rediculous. But if the former version of ‘elo hell’ doesn’t exist, then how come I am 2600 as sub but struggle to even reach 1800 as assa? I’ve also heard R1 streamers etc. talk about ‘elo hell’.
Because sub is the best bg spec in the game and the impact that spec has is infinitely more valueable than anything assa brings. It also plays very differently and obviously you have mastered that on sub but not on assa.
Being high rated on one spec of a class doesn’t translate in you playing the same way as the former on a new spec.
For example if i went to heal on mw in blitz i’d properly do horribly for a while.
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I can’t wait to get vicious saddle, i will never ever que for rbg blitz, 1k player joins 2,1k games.
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I don’t think the current phase bug helps about it. For example I got it once during a blitz and completely stopped me from queueing further as long as I don’t see a fix for it from blizz.
That just ain’t true at all. All 3 rogue specs are S-tier in BGs, and even if there’s a difference, it’s marginal.
There’s no other logical explaination other than either 1. I’m just completely clueless as to how to play Assa and is doing something very wrong, or 2. elo hell exists in the sense that it’s very hard to climb, being 1 of 8 people and others in that given elo range are very clueless.
If you disagree with this, I would like for you to explain to me what it is that sub has that makes a 1000 rating difference right for me, between my sub and assa
even as a healer I am seeing 15-20+ minutes sometimes, feels abnormally long
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Sorry but you are wrong here the two other rogue specs are no threat compared to sub, since sub generally can force cds whenever they want guaranteed and win every 1 v 1 if they have mastered the spec also the dmg without trinket in most cases will make you go close to 100-0 every single time if the rogue knows his rotation.
Also just the presence of sub on offence vs a node thats defending means, you generally need 2 defending it and you need to rotate trinkets, to be certain they cant just cap it. And even then sub can easily 2v1 players.
Assa is a teamfight dmg spec, outlaw just a bad bg spec imo.
Sub is the best and has a toolkit that’s better than every spec in the game which is why i have cried about nerfs for it so many times on the forum.
The vanish CDR nerf isn’t making it balanced by a longshot alot of other stuff needs to get straight up removed before its balanced.
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It’s very bad. And when queues do eventually pop, you get about 7 declines in a row.
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I guess all the old RBG players who are now 3k in blitz are wrong too, in ranking assa and outlaw S-tier too
Fact is, assa and outlaw has all the tools sub has, that makes it have so much agency in BGs. They ALL have the ability to sap and cap, cloak cap, smoke bomb etc. the ONLY thing sub has on the two others, is access to more cheap shots via shadow dance, but that’s not what allows you to have so much objective control.
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