Unpulled rare elites in Forbidden Reach and Zaralek Caverns should now despawn after 15 minutes, unless players are in their immediate vicinity.
This change is outrageous! No other hotfix before pissed me off this much.
I pulled Kob’rok and because i was in tank spec, i didn’t manage to kill it in 15 minutes, it took longer. So when the Kob’rok was like close to 15% HP guess what happened. It despawned for a brief sec, like evaded, and was full HP again and i had to waste another 15 minutes of my lifetime to actually tryhard and kill it. Because with new gear from patch it has for me 13.5m HP, before patch it was ~10m. What’s the point of gearing if it makes you waste even more time solo? Trash, absolute trash decision.
I want to be heard, I want the hotfix to be reversed. I want better options!
yeah the whole we don’t want you to hunt rares dont make sense what else is there to do there ?
i mean this is suppose to be another version of timeless island right where hunting rares and mass murdering frogs was the main activity its not like the interns who made this played mist i guess
According to Blizzard it was something like even if there are people around, when there are 20 rares on the map chances are you won’t meet on the same rare (I’m not justifying them don’t shoot the messenger).
In reality if rare elites kept their 10.0/10.0.7/10.1 stats then they would be easily soloable by now. However with every new season they keep buffing them.
It’s not even asking Blizzard to make them easier to solo, it’s asking to stop making it intentionally harder.
I want to farm Corrupted Proto Dragon for manuscripts but seeing as it’s an irrelevant target for most people it’s either almost impossible to solo on my mage or very time consuming on my evoker.
Not sure this is the right fix for this issue. Let’s see if it does what they hope it will.
I think after 30 minutes the Rare should get a Bored debuff which makes it soloable. The map icon would change so you knew if you flew over there it would be soloable.