15th Dusk [The Sha'tar] Veterans - anyone?

I wonder if there is anyone around from the 15th Dusk (raiding for RPers) community which operated accross many guilds back in the day on The Sha’tar server Alliance side.

If so, feel free to poke me. Mahulena ingame again.

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Torianne/Bryanne reporting for duty. I also know of at least half-a-dozen or more ex-members who are playing. Will poke you online. =)

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Oh hi again! I still remember how we bumped into each other in Rift as well. :slight_smile:

Amazing. That is great news. The only folks I am in touch with from that era are the other Czechs, and then Kennedy/Kamtali, Irathorn, Deailu and Angthoron. I am not aware of any of them being here though.

Hi there, Tizhun here. I used to raid with the raid groups Storm and Wings (with my druid Singingbrook) back when.

Good to hear there are more of us around and kicking. I shall poke you in game!

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Hi again, Tizhun. I was a regular in both Storm and Straz during WTLK, “Xenie” might be a name familiar to you sice I was also a raid leader during those days. Under that name. Did just a couple of runs with Wings. :slight_smile: Let’s see who else shows up.

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Considering I was a founding member of 15th Dusk I suppose I belong here. Interesting to see that name pop up again. Played a mage named Seraphis, but I left fairly early into TBC so might’ve been before your time. However my founding partner Ekkadorn is active on Hydraxian too, he’s running around on a dorf named Scalgor. Will be interesting to see if something similar pops up again :slight_smile:

Also for some reason it’s using an oooold DK char as my avatar even though the profile is set to my classic character, weird. Anyway, I’m running around on a dorf named Smokey, feel free to throw a whisper if any of the 15th Dusk old timers are still around

There’s a Battlenet group dedicated to the 15th Dusk, poke Firn the paladin (Tizhun) for an invite, or any member of The Council on Alliance or The Caravan on Horde to further assist you.

Alternatively, you can contact me (Allanah/Ysme on Alliance or Shadrala/Seraphien on Horde) for an invite too. =)

Hi, fellow veteran. Yes, we must have missed each other. I came to Dusk mid TBC. :slight_smile:

So The Council is the WoW Classic guild for ex-members? Amazing! I had no idea about the battlenet group either. I am in! :sunny: Please. JakubA#2357

I’ve sent you a friend request and will add you to the Battlenet group ASAP. =)

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I also sent you a friending request via battlenet!

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Got it from both. <3

I wonder who else shows up. :slight_smile: Do I get it right that The Coucil guild is where ex-Duskies are on the alliance side here?

Aye, plus people from other smaller guilds. As far as I know we currently have members coming from the 15th Dusk, The Elders, The Knights of Old Ironforge, Society, and The Stonefoot Clan.

The sister guild on Horde is The Caravan.

Feel free to poke me in game if you’d like information about the guilds. My characters are Firn and Dottie on Alliance, and Wenzel and Dorotheos on Horde.

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Hey Xenie, Rhazhana here! Dis old Troll Watiki be da Boss mon of The Caravan, but you can poke Tiz or any other Ex-Duskie for an invite.

Since I joined late in TBC as well, I think I missed you, too, Seraphis, but Ekkadorn definitely rings a bell.

Isn’t this awesome - people meeting again after all those years? =D

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Hi Rhaz, long time no see. :slight_smile: Thanks for stopping by.

Isn’t this awesome - people meeting again after all those years?

Oh my. Absolutely. I finally got into The Council yesterday and was very much surprised how many people are there, including those who were active before I joined in. It’s really ironic and beautiful in the same time that years after Dusk was officially disbanded I met a founding member who explained to me (well… us, who were online at that time) how and why it was founded. :slight_smile: I can only say: Long live WoW Classic! :smile:

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Oh, this is just awesome! Though I never did many raids for the Dusk, I did join Kharazan that one time. :slight_smile: I’m Videl if anyone remembers! o/

I do! :slight_smile: I might have even be in that particular raid.

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It makes me happy that you do. :smiley: And you probably were, yeah. :open_mouth: But sadly, I don’t remember you, though. :frowning:

The name was Tyw back than. A paladin tank.

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