1600 Blitz Rating hell

Hang in there weary travellers

Seriously though, what the rng is with Blitz rating?


I was claimed bad player, toxic winning person for posts about that. But more season will go more people will spot it. But, some changes to MMR comes soon. Who knows? Maybe will fixed?

They lazzy. So they just implement team based scores just sum and divide players MMR as a group. But this is RNG because you don’t know how people will follow objectives! :slight_smile: I feel you m8!

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Why do you think its RNG?

Too many random variables such as group comp, healers ability, etc

Seems to be increasingly common thought, I think we might all prefer longer queues with better class balance for example, especially for ctf games

Have a feeling Dracthyr new classes is only going to make this more random


Sure, but that’s RNG everyone faces. If everyone gets the same RNG, then is there any RNG at all? I understand in small sample sizes it matters a lot - like say if we threw a coin in the air 5 times each our results would be wildly different, but if we threw the coin in the air 100 times each there’s a pretty solid chance our results would be within 5-10% of each other.

Assume the RNG is there and doesn’t matter, focus only on your gameplay and you will climb. You can’t win every game, you can’t lose every game. Focus on the ones in the middle and you will walk out of 1600.

Stack the odds in your favour by improving your gameplay, duo queueing if possible, watching streams and seeing the strats they use, then telling those strats in chat at the start of the game, ping spam flag carriers, learn how to survive better or 1v1 better and so on. Easier said than done of course, but thats the nature of team-based PvP games. You need to carry games every now and then or you’ll just end up at 50% winrate at the top of the bell curve, which for WoW is 1550 rating or so.


Going to keep at it one way or another, doesnt help with the rogue changes coming up which is what im mainly playing in pvp but I need that purple set :joy: Not feeling very lucky this week though with comps etc, others it does feel like im carrying which I guess is good if its personal progression anyway

Just speculating the whole system overall as I know its meant to be a more fun way for less involved players to dive in and out of rated but this zone in particular does feel restrictive because of that and the unfortunate rng with games which is as you say just the way it is

Do definitely see myself improving enough over time to break the mould but aye its painful here


It’s disgusting. Absolutely disgusting how one sided Blitz is. Blizzard seriously need to work on their MMR system.


No m8 math doesn’t work like that. Once I’ve simulate NFL games with multiply MMR factors, and you know what? Some teams never even reach playoffs. Because RNG doesn’t guarantee that all participant will get some piece of pie. You even can read John Nash’s Game theory. It is RNG. So even if everyone faces the same RNG… Someone never will facing MMR hell, and will scream into monitor through keyboard that this is myth and you just need play better :wink:

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May the lord almighty strike me down swiftly and without mercy if i ever cope so hard about my skills in a video game that I head to the library and read the ancient texts to find an excuse.


Lol! You are troll m8.

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Lmfao although this is funny he has a point, think ive worked out at least part of it from playing on my rogue which can turn a game at times as I have done;

Factors like class spread, or class specifics in flag carry games especially

Healers having insta queue, one person yesterday saw the game was a loss and gave up cause ‘healers get insta queue anyway’, this is in a game I was solo getting our flag back with our monk not even going for the flag which is out of a players control

Whether or not your team is ‘just here for fun’ or actually trying to get their rating up

Healers again, if you have a pala healer for example then gg youre losing 9/10

A few other points that are well out of a players control, I can take as many capture points, flags back, etc as I want as a good player, if 5 players on my team are working against that by being ‘braindead’ or simply by not doing their role like with mw monk FC then youre losing 100% whether youre good or not

Fortunately blizz is fixing the class queueing im told, since so many people hav complained about having 4 rogues on a team which is ridiculous

Is it? I think hpal is quite strong especially at lower mmr. Searing light or what it is called lets you solo win quite a few bgs :sweat_smile:

V rare to see a Hpala, even rarer to see a good one :sweat_smile:

i think they got some buffs. saw more the last couple of days than the last weeks

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You know Aõ, if you would spent less time constantly complaining like you are giving a TED talk and more time just focusing on the game and trying to improve yourself, people might actually be more supportive of you. All you have been doing is just yapping about how unfair the MMR system is and how bad everyone else plays ever since the season started.

I’m sorry, but if you have been stuck around 1k rating since the season started, there is something you are not doing right. I know it is a tough pill to swallow, but it’s the truth.

Of course, it is RNG. I have been winning a lot this week and had a positive win rate, but yesterday, I lost 3 matches in a row, and my MMR went from 2100 to 1800. At this point, it is now more efficient to delete a character and start a fresh one because you have to win 6 in a row to get out of the rating/MMR deficit, which is impossible.

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what a nonsense

3wins and you are back

insane argument

what is there to discuss?

3 wins and your mmr goes back

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the solution gotta start with :

  1. remove dual que - 100%
  2. remove/fix MMR from blitz . winning team wins 20 , loosing team looses 10 - EVERYONE ! - is a team (BIG team) effort
  3. fix the sync que abuse (yes the are ways to do that)
  4. try and make teams with ppl close in skill not 2 ppl at 2200 and rest from 1800 down - 400 rating differenta is a BIG difference ! i’d rather wait a little longer and have a fair play experince.

also the proof that sync Q is used a lot in Blitz :

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