1Million Passive healing just from PvE items

That’s a first for me


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Give one of the best pvp specs most broken gear. What could go wrong?

I queued into mongo warrior with trident and gloves and diamond. Was fury. imagine arms sit in defensive stance with 3 shields and mortal strike till dampening then kill u in 50% dampening with sharpened so u heal for nothing. go for shaman? oh no he is gonna spam purge and then camp in ghost wolf if u get close with even more broken traits. kill me this game is horrible.

When u thought s2 could not get any worse.

leather/cloth dps gear not that broken in pvp compared to plate.

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game is broken time to play eso

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I did not actively pvp when season started cuz of how broken maledicts/locks/WW/DK were and told myself it is a big company surely they will fix these stuff soon. but it is getting worse every day lmao. 100+ purge spam in single games by priest/shaman, immortal plate wearers, 100k+ double gpyros by haste stacking mages. what the hell

I agree it’s in a very sad shape right now…

Im guessing that level 10 hunter on the US forums is you :joy:

Fun isn’t it? Met a warrior with both those pieces a couple of days ago. Every time we CC’d the healer to nuke warrior down, nothing happened.

Blizzard doesn’t care, will probably be nerfed, if at all, 1 day before next patch. And then new stupid sh1t comes out.


Was considering logging in. NOPE. Mby next season. That sounds terrible!


Time to farm 'em.

Time to delete game

Dont worry guys! 8.2 will fix it by giving you abilities that you will have to farm from all types of content, but the one you enjoy.

Even without the passive healing I’m still unhappy with the amount of off healing in game at the moment

Blizzard is hopeless.

Isnt this banned on the tournament? i dont see any problem then.

I dont play in the tournament, I play on live servers just like many others that want an enjoyable game.


I don’t always agree with you, but Blizzard REALLY should take notice when a player that HAS the items thinks it’s so borderline disgusting that even he doesn’t want to play anymore.

You dont see a Problem with that ? That ladder totally gets destroyed by this.

Thats it is “who does PvE” instead of “who played better” ?!

That Blizzard does not allow the items, because everyone then would see live how broken these things are ??!

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maybe sarcasm?

Didn’t sound like sarcasm.

Its banned on tournament? So that means Blizzard isnt completly brain afk and knows about how bad this sh** is for PvP and still dont do anything? Thats even worse.