1v1'd a rogue

For some reason I was affliction, laying it on thick with dots and blasting his face off with deathbolts. The fight went on for quite a while, somehow my health was staying above 50% and everytime I got his down to 10% he vanished and healed then came back for more.

It was an intense fight, I was out of options and had to finish off by drain tanking him, he's shivving me like crazy, you could see how rapidly he was smashing them A and D keys as if it would do anything. Last 2% hp and I'm almost dead myself, I'm shouting CMOOON FASTER!!

And then I woke up.

Let's face it, we never survive beyond cloak anyway. The real story is that I was reforging last night and got killed in a cloaked opener.

Gg blizz
Well, let's face it, you can't win against a counter class.
rogues kill almost anyone 1v1. Of course locks are the biggest cry babies.
27/10/2018 13:18Posted by Shandyr
Well, let's face it, you can't win against a counter class.

so rogue is called counter class now?
against warlocks rogues did exactly the same in cata and even before, for example. I still do remember it, despite warlock has insta shadowfury and port baseline, they was still dying during cloak+dance. And if you were against rogue with fangs, you were basically dead in 4 sec cheapshot. So well... you can rather tell that legion situation was unusual.
31/10/2018 11:35Posted by Pinkfist
27/10/2018 13:18Posted by Shandyr
Well, let's face it, you can't win against a counter class.

so rogue is called counter class now?
Well, they do counter pretty much all other classes in the game so .. why not.
PvP balance doesn't exist anymore. In warmode the only choice you have is group 5 or die. Since the ones doing the ganking are NEVER alone.
31/10/2018 11:40Posted by Orangephd
against warlocks rogues did exactly the same in cata and even before, for example. I still do remember it, despite warlock has insta shadowfury and port baseline, they was still dying during cloak+dance. And if you were against rogue with fangs, you were basically dead in 4 sec cheapshot. So well... you can rather tell that legion situation was unusual.

Uhm, no. Just against a VERY GOOD rogue. Nowadays, you lose to bad rogues, even worse rogues like in this video:

27/10/2018 13:18Posted by Shandyr
Well, let's face it, you can't win against a counter class.
Of course a demon hunter player is clueless about the game
27/10/2018 13:18Posted by Shandyr
Well, let's face it, you can't win against a counter class.
Of course a demon hunter player is clueless about the game
In MoP I stood a chance, in WoD I had a chance. Now warlocks may be the biggest cry babies, nit without good reason though. I'm 100% certain that if your class were always being completely flattened by bad players of pretty much any other melee class then you'd be crying just as loud.

We don't even have a chance, the first few sec of any fight is enough to know if you're gonna lose and since I always have to pop defensive in any opener and they're on 3 min CD's well... how do we live really? We cant even outlive autoattacks ffs.
31/10/2018 23:39Posted by Reconwarrior
PvP balance doesn't exist anymore.

There's never been balance, not perfect, and definitely not in 1v1, but there can't be, particularly in WPvP, where initiative matters. Rogues have usually dominated 1v1 because they always hit first. They're fully prepared when they open and you're not, and if you're winning they can often run away.

11/11/2018 21:50Posted by Abacabb
In MoP I stood a chance, in WoD I had a chance.

The weight of hitting first has changed over time, with ups and downs, and it's not worse than in the past. Actually Subtlety's ridiculous burst in MoP is what allowed me to kill dozens if not hundreds of players with similar gear in the Shrine of Two Moons, where I could send them to the graveyard in a few seconds, not having to worry about other players (or dropping Combat Readiness for an absurd 50% mitigation). Back then locks had it very hard without a portal out - and you never have one unless you expect company.
31/10/2018 11:35Posted by Pinkfist
27/10/2018 13:18Posted by Shandyra
Well, let's face it, you can't win against a counter class.

so rogue is called counter class now?

Yeah cause can counter any other class literally. No one can beat a good rogue.
There's never been balance, not perfect

3.3.5 was as close to it as possible.
1 Like
27/10/2018 12:42Posted by Abacabb
we never survive beyond cloak anyway.

*rogues vanishes on low health*
*poison procs holy shield damage*
*damage breaks stealth*
*laughs in paladin*

But yeah WoW feels like an exagerated rock paper scissors game atm, x counters y counters z