Hi, How can a paladin reach a hunter in a PVP situation? To me, it seems like the hunters just can put down trap after trap and jump back unlimited times. I can hit him 4-5 times but after that, I’m done. Sins everything I got is on cooldown.
Just speaking from personal experience vs hunter and it’s not much, more skilled might give different advices.
The first thing I’d consider before others is whether I do higher dmg than him when I reach him? Do I have a good chance to kill or greatly reduce his hp with burst? If yes, proceed, if no, then not bother because it might be a long battle that needs nerves and the outcome is questionable.
To speed ourselves we have Freedom and Cavalier x 2. To slow him we have Hand of Hindrance, very useful vs ranged. If he constantly moves away, do not give up, this is what ranged are supposed to do. You also might manuever while waiting for your speed cd’s (cavalier). Use Judgement.
Read the opponent, what kind of person is this? Is he looking startled when you reach him and take a lot of his hp, is he playing defensive? Wait for cd’s and continue to press on him, the more you press the more he might make mistakes in positioning. Use burst once you reach him. Even if you do not take him down and he manages to escape once more, he will be even more psychologically on edge. While waiting for cd’s, heal yourself to full, show him how desperate is his situation.
As retri we can chase and chase, press and press until we wear them down (be careful of your own hp though). Of course if it’s someone confident and experienced, the battle might be very long and it’s up to you if you have time for this.
This is how I personally see things
I think your best bet is doing the 1 shot in a hoj with wings up. No one can fight a ret pala in melee 1 on 1. Even other melees like ferals and windwalkers need to kite them. So yeah hoj him, if he trinkets chill a bit until your next hoj, don’t pop wings to just be kited. Then when you have him in a hoj with no trinket do that crazy one shot I see ret paladins do.
One thing you should NOT do; run after him in the open while being slowed to the max. Just hide if you must.
“Wait” for HoF / BoP / Bubble and Wings. The extra-ranged on HoJ is great in these cases to pin them down while you reach for them…although you prob need the whole duration to zerg him down.
Keep an eye out for when he has deterrence ready etc. Don’t waste your wings on it ;).
Be patient.
paladins cant be slowed
Thanks, everyone for all good advice, I will look into it and be a better paladin. I guess it is training and learning the class that is missing in my situation.
Bring back frozen arrow
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