2 cool titanforging ideas

Except, if we take your example to the game, you have to flip all the 10 coins one by one and get heads EVERY time. This is exactly what makes the forging + socketing system so terrible.

And now we already know the replacement system and quite frankly it’s also an RNG fiesta… Blizz are simply refusing to put character gearing into players hands…

The new system might be an RNG fiesta, it might have even more negative consequences to pugging, it might frustrate group members even more when you have too much corruption, and might ruin your mogs, …

That’s it pretty much :smile:

The only flip side I see, is that those who pray to RNGesus every day and receive a lot of good corrupted items, are limited in using them by corruption, rather than being overly geared. Then again… Do we really need a system like this? :frowning:

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