2 Cousins looking for a new home

Hi all that are reading this,
Me and my cousin are looking for a new home.
We are currently part of a very casual guild that doesn’t have much structure and its a free for all for whoever wants to come raiding. We are looking for something a bit… ‘more’.
We are looking for a guild that has a very chilled vibe but actually has some structure when it comes to raiding. That means a reasonably reliable raid team but not complete elitists. Its really important to us that there is a funny and friendly vibe at raids but also a wish to progress (at least heroic, maybe mythic). We are thinking something between a casual guild and a semi-hardcore guild in terms of raiding which has 2 raid days a week.

Apart from raids, our preferences would be:

  • Active guild and active social platform like discord.
  • English speaking guild and we are both British.
  • A guild that enjoys running some high M+ from time to time.

Currently we are both on the realm Stormreaver but we are happy to transfer realm for the right guild.

I will include links to the armory page for both of us:
Elríondil (Balance Druid)

Pandaemic/Hod (Frost death knight/Mage)

hey add me on discord if u wanna have a chat DK-Reaper#8273 or check out our post here [LFM] [EU] [H] [draenor] [M+] [Raid] Relaxed social Guild recruiting

Feel free to shoot us an application

hey we are in need of both of you, check this thread below and we can talk more on bnet if you like it.