2 DPS Looking for Heroic Raiding Guild

Good Evening Folks,

As the title says myself and a friend are looking for a Heroic Raiding Guild (Happy to do Mythic if it progresses that far) to start Raiding CN. We’ve just moved to Ragnaros from Draenor due to the obscene queue times.

We’re looking for a guild that can ideally raid 2 nights per week from 20:30 Server Time onwards due to IRL commitments, we’re looking for a good group of people to share the game with and just enjoy the whole experience, we’re not part of the win at all costs crew.

What would you get out of the deal? Firstly a bit of background on who we are. We’re just 2 run of the mill lads who have played WoW since Vanilla and have raided pretty much every piece of content to a reasonable level, we’ve had our fair of breaks in the game (Mainly in BFA, thank god it’s gone) but we can bring 2 consistent players who turn up on time, know what they are doing and would be an asset to most raid teams. We’ve both played different classes across the years and in different roles having been main tanks in various guilds.

Now I’m not going to tell you that we don’t make mistakes and we’re elite because that’s not who we are. We do make mistakes, although rarely and once a mistake has been made it’s rectified and we move on. We’re always investing in our characters by looking at best specs, talents, changes, gearing and simming ourselves so we know what we’re doing on that front.

We’re currently playing Sub Rogue and Unholy DK, Armoury Links below;

If you feel like we’d be a great fit for your guild reach out to me on Bnet


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