2 EU (A) players lf Cutting Edge guild for SL

Hey Lunarsist,

My guild Véndetta is currently looking for more raiders to finish the raiding team for shadowlands. We play on the connected realms of Alonsus, Anachronos and Kul Tiras (alliance) and have been around since 2007.
We’re a progress based raiding guild aiming for CE but we are not a server or world race guild, we raid in our own pace. We like to raid in a friendly and fun environment, while keeping focus high to be able to clear everything while it is current.
We took a break during BfA but are back for shadowlands and ready to get back to our old CE standards.

Outside of raiding we run a lot of m+. We have players from all strenghts, from casual players doing lower keys to players with 4 alts to push keys as far as possible.

For all basic info (raid days, recruitment, expectations,…), I will link our recruitment thread:

If this sounds interesting for you both, I’d be happy to have a chat over discord or ingame.
Btag: xarial#2863
Discord: Xarial#9250

Kind regards,
Keata (officer of Véndetta)