Hi Anxíous,
I encourage you to check out our recruitment post here: <Cônsortium>
Why I think we’d be a match:
- Our current progress is 4/9 HC with some good progression on Conclave. This is despite our team still being fairly new.
- We only raid 2 nights a week for 3 hours, 19:30-22:30. So no later than the time you’ve stated.
- We’re casual in that we don’t strive for top-whatever, but we want to have fun and make the most of our raiding time.
- We help each other out getting our m+ weekly done, or whatever else folks might be up to.
We’re focused on the long-term enjoyment of the game, and won’t mind if it takes you a bit of time to wrap up on Horde side before re-rolling. I can’t promise a main-spec tanking spot, but aside from that I think we’d be very happy to welcome you to our ranks.
If you’d like to have a chat, feel free to add my battletag: Alvala#2288
Best regards,