2 months to fix the classes

Are the class changes on the PTR, or they are just in beta?

class spec changes are on PTR as they are on beta to my knwoledge

I wish Demon warlock was nerfed to the ground like in 6.2.3 so Blizzard has to rework it!

Mine is

  • The game isn’t going to be finished.
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Wouldn’t hold my breath. We have a good experience on the state of expansions when they launch in terms of class balance.

It’s a never ending story by this time. :rofl:

There are way too many systems in the game to balance for the game to be ready in 2 months. They should scrap covenant powers and soulbins a long time ago and invest time into creating better and bigger class skill trees which are something which many people wanted for years now. It would be a single a bit smaller system but easier to balance and fix. Instead in 2 months, we are going to have a :poop: show.

i thought it was intentionally nerfed into the ground so blizzard could rework it :open_mouth:

I dont think they’ll rework it if it was a accident :(.

The one thing that worries me about covenants is the class abilities (for my dk as that’s the only one I care about). As blood the venthyr one is what I’m looking for when I do m+ but when I play arena that one is kinda useless. (to be fair so are the other dk ones when it comes to pvp imo). I wonder how it’s going to play out for classes that have multiple role specs.

“reworked classes” aka basically the next s-tier classes to be of SL, calling it now.

I want current Demon getting a full scale rework, since summoning gameplay does not work

well it could. but it defintly isnt executed well in all honesty. BFAs demo is atleast a improvement on Legions.

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