Those 2 are only usable by DKs anymore, but they have been removed for other classes
I personally don’t see a point in removing those after they have already been added
Those 2 are only usable by DKs anymore, but they have been removed for other classes
I personally don’t see a point in removing those after they have already been added
What? No way, that has to be a bug, maybe report it to Blizz or something?
Since it’s a Night Elf issue I’m sure there’ll be more than enough vocal outcry.
Call NASA !!!
Hopefully it’s a bug. I’m not short of pitchforks.
They are still on the ptr… no idea what’s going on
In case it’s not a bug. Can I borrow a fork?
I got plenty
Well, actually they were intended to be DK hair colors since Wrath. Someone just put unused pink colors from vanilla instead. I think that now they finally noticed. And pink colors are available for all classes now, while those meant for DKs are for DKs only just like for males.
Still I think it’s kind of too late for this kind of “fix” of a very old mistake.
PTR and Beta are not on the same build if I recall.
Considering the topic… I don’t see any reason to remove them from the normal customization.
Good. Those are not natural Night Elf hair colours. They probably only appear on DK’s because it’s rotten.
And no, Night Elves don’t use hair dye.
These are the colours on beta, but I’m not sure what the pink is meant to be from the menu
There are indeed extra options for DK though
I agree. The Black hair is really nice on them
That’s odd, but maybe it was a bug that they were allowed to be used and now it’s fixed? who knows.
Give me black hair or give me death!
these hair styles are so good
I really love the option to have leaves in your hair as well. Looks soooo good.
That I agree with. It hearkens back to Warcraft 3.
In fact I’d argue Night Elves got a pretty rough deal in World of Warcraft vanilla. Their glorious and unique weapons and armour weren’t in the game, and their appearance really didn’t feel as inspired and amazonian as that of Warcraft 3.
And that never really changed - until now.
BfA and Shadowlands, after the ridiculous lorelol that is the burning of Teldrassil, has been treated very well on the visual front. Not a moment too soon at that.
Report it as a bug.
Please enable DK hair colors to other classes Blizz, every race has a couple of them and they look pretty fine on other classes.