2 Pair looking for a guild (Can play all roles)

Hello there! Hope you are having a good day and thank you for reading.

We are a pair looking for a guild to progress with regular raiding, with the want to go into mythic raiding more but regular Heroic clears/Progression.

Classes and specs.
My mains: Mage (all specs) ,sham DPS, Disc/Shadow prist (Rogue M+)
Friends main: Resto Sham, Paladin Ret/Holy, Blood DK(M+ only), Aug evoker

We play M+ daily and would like a group for this regularly to avoid the mayhem that is pugs at times.

Please comment your discord or BNET and we will add you! Look forward to hearing from you.

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Discord narsti

Look forward to chatting to you!

Hi there!!

Hope you’re well, we would love if you would check out our guild recruitment add and let us know if we are for you?

Ravencrest Angels of Temptation - Now recruiting! 4/9 M for S2 - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums


Depending on you and your partners interest, we may have something of interest.
Hit me up on discord, and we can talk more.

Our raid days are Thu 20:30ST, Sun 19:30ST and Fri (first 4 weeks in a season) 20:30ST.
Discord: reptution

Hey there,

We’re bikini bottom, a semi-hardcore raiding guild looking to progress mythic next tier. We always need healers and would love to talk to you about joining if you’re interested!

Message me on Bnet: HighNoot#2484
or discord: walrusmaster
If you’re interested!