Me and my friend who’ve been playing for many years now, are currently looking for a guild to be a part of.
I’ve been actively playing since about end of MoP and I’ve been mainly healing since then, yet I also play somde DPS specs and sometime even a Tank, if its fun.
Currently I’ve been maining my discipline Priest and play an Arcane Mage and Brewmaster Monk on the side.
I’ve reached KSM a few times since Legion and also have experience raiding aswell. Since BFA tough, I’ve been solo and have pugged my way into raids and M+, which I get really tired of.
My goal is to find a guild who actively participates in raids, M+ and also is a fun place to spend time at and have great/funny conversations.
My friend has been playing since end of Cataclysm and has been playing mostly DPS. They currently main a Havoc Demonhunter and also a Shadow Priest by the side. They have pugged their way to the top aswell, and have been in some guilds, which lets just say werent the most social people.
They share my goal with finding a guild who want to achieve things, are here for some end content and also laugh and gigs.
We’d appreciate if you’d contact me on Bnet if you think we fit what you guilds are looking for
Phoenix of the Sun might be the new home for you and your friend
Some info about us:
Phoenix of the sun was founded almost 20 years ago as a PVE guild. Our biggest goal is to create a positive and inclusive environment for our members to play in.
For us the person behind the character or role they play is more important. We strive to include anyone in our activities.
We understand that life happens so we don’t make joining any activity mandatory. We apply a flexible approach and welcome any players who want a balance between gaming and real-life responsibilities.
Phoenix of the sun is a casual guild. We like to progress raid content ( normal / heroic) . with a focus on clearing HC. We are a social guild that raids, not a dedicated raiding guild. This means raiding is optional; we have no mandatory attendance, no ‘skill trials’ and so on. Anyone who wants to raid is welcome.
Occasional groups of mythic + are set up during the week as well.
Not a big fan of raiding or mythic + , but enjoy farming old content , getting achievements, … Phoenix of the sun can be the potential home for you. We encourage any type of gameplay.
As a social guild our overriding goal is to have fun, help each other out and just enjoy our time in Azeroth.
Most of us have reached a mature age. We have almost 20 years of history, friendships built, relationships formed and we do hold in real life meet ups.
We also have a discord so we can keep in touch outside of Azeroth.
Recruitment Needs:
Any role
Language: English
Raid Schedule: Mondays and thursdays from 20:00 to 23:00.
Reign us currently recruiting a few players for season two. We are an active and social guild and raid mondays and fridays between 20:30 - 23.00 ST. I’ve sent you a friendrequest on BattleNet in hopes of chatting with you. If you want to hear more about Reign, feel free check our discord; or contact me directly on discord (wicce).
Hello Tevienne! <> are a new guild and are recruiting! We are looking for like minded people to push mythic+ in a safe and fun environment. We are a core group of friends looking for more people to join in our in game fun.
We are on forums to search for new friends to push the upcoming dungeons with, in the new season 2 of TWW. We are a fun bunch of friends who have a very laid back approach to the game. When it comes to it we are very focused on pushing keys/raiding.
Our main goal is to recruit current and new/returning players who want to get into end game content but need a group to play with and to not take too seriously. For now we are a very small group of friends that have just started up the guild again but hoping to expand for next season so we’re all able to learn the new season together as a group.
On the other hand, we are maybe interested in raiding depending on the numbers we can recruit as we all have a past history of raiding heroic.
If you’re wondering who to contact or have any questions about this upcoming guild then feel free to add me on battlenet or discord:
Shell here form Carnage Inc on Silvermoon EU. We formed in 2009 and stood the test of time.
We will be reverting back to a 3-day, 9-hour raid schedule for Season 2.
Wednesday, Thursday, Monday - 20:00 - 23:00 Server Time
After two tiers with a reduced schedule of 2 days and 6 hours, we recognized that this format limited our progress toward earning Cutting Edge which was massively disappointing, having time against us and Fyrakk at a mere 8% Returning to a 3-day schedule enables us to allocate more time towards reaching Cutting Edge, and we are confident that this is attainable given past accomplishments.
Carnage Inc has a impressive history marked by significant achievements. The guild has consistently secured Cutting Edge titles across various tiers outside of breaks, including:
Vault of the Incarnates Cutting Edge
Castle Nathria - Cutting Edge World Rank 409
Ny’alotha - Cutting Edge
The Emerald Nightmare - Cutting Edge
Siege of Orgrimmar 25man Heroic - Cutting Edge
Moreover, the guild has a legacy of almost every 25-man Heroic achievement prior to Cutting Edge being implemented in Mists of Pandaria. These milestones reflect our dedication to end-game raiding.
We have an impressive roster featuring former top 100 world rank raiders, multi-CE raiders, high key pushers and multi-gladiators, this collective experience is crucial for achieving Cutting Edge.
Hi we aware a fairly new guild called Lucid. We are quite active and mist evenings we have more than 15 people playing all forms of content at most levels. We are a friendly and chilled group with no toxicity or drama.
My Bnet is MarkBurnell#2927 and Discord is markb1511, I would be happy to answer any questions
Soul Crusaders (EU) might be what you’re looking for
We’ve been around for almost 18 years and we’ve always valued the people behind the keyboard, over the pixels. We’re a friendly guild whose members enjoy M+ and raiding (we start with Normal raid and progress into HC raid, aiming for AotC). If there;s enough interest, we’ll happily dip our toes into early Mythic bosses, but if there’s not enough interest, we don’t
There’s no requirement to raid, if you prefer not to. We have scheduled M+ runs as well as the scheduled raid - but you’re not limited to this, as most of our members run M+ all the time
Our raids are Sunday and Tues night and our scheduled M+ are Wed and Thurs nights - all our events are set for 21:20 - 23:00 server time; so its a shorter window than most guilds run, but it allows for fitting in some fun with guildies around IRL commitments (and sleep!)
We’re looking for team-minded people who enjoy doing content with fellow guildies and currently have space for a healer and some fresh DPS for our raids and M+
If you’re interested, please do get in touch You can either contact me directly:
Btag - sheira#1910
Discord - Lakshmii#0552 (or just lakshmii now i think)
Or you can join our server and apply straight away (Please note most of our guild discord is gated behind member access, so there isn’t much for you to see as a guest)
We are a Guild of old friends & new ones too wanting to have fun with no drama, we have members that have been playing since launch day back in 2005 and MamG have been together since 2015 !!
Raids are Thursday & Monday 20:00-22:00
Currently we are looking for some good dps for progression raiding.
We will also still take in social/casual people that are content with a one night a week friday night raid option and M+.
We are looking for strong players with a focussed mind that can take a joke and a laugh but also concentrate on what they are doing and be serious when fighting.
If this sounds like it’s for you, throw me a msg in game (pryora#2167) or on discord (Pryora)