2 veteran raiders looking for a mythic guild

Rogue / Warrior looking for a mythic guild.

We have both been playing wow for 14 years on and off and have both gone from hardcore raiding to just chilling. We are now looking for a 2 week a night raiding guild that can provide us with a good challenge and allow us to progress clearing as much content as possible without having to raid 6 nights a week

We can raid any days but not weekends.

from 7pm - 11.30pm wow time.

Please msg me so i can provide you with more information about us.

#battletag Possible#2564

If you’re both interested :slight_smile:

Hey there

We are based on Wildhammer/Thunderhorn


Hit me up for a chat



Its hard to find guild mid tier mid tier. we sadly cant offer already raiding guild. Guild “Rewind” is newly reformed and located on draenor server, We are forming a completely fresh group here, me and many others are around 4/8M this tier, and also have people with realm 5ths since MoP etc… going to aim that Cutting Edge. (And starting straight from heroic next tier)
Thing is that i cant promise raiding this tier, but pugging HC and first 3 or so Mythic bosses should not be issue, ive been talking to another forming guild about merging till next tier, we see what happens, but with 4 days before recruitment started, we have around 10 potential raiders already. And we also do mythic+ daily, around 13+ level keys been done in guild so far, considering the fact that we are just getting used to each other. people here have up to 1,7k raiderio scores.

Planned raid times- tuesday and thursday, 8-11pm. Raid times may change but 2 main raid days will be, with an optional hc clear, and MAYBE if people want- 3 raid nights during first weeks of
new tier release. if interested add our leader irigan#2950 or me RihoAtsEST#2138


Please add me on bluku#2821for a chat!

