20% of Stitches dead in a span of 30 seconds

Time to uninstall Overwatch 2 and Wow, really sad that Blizzard takes us for deep sh*t…


I agree that the first lag spikes were not predictable and are definitely not the players fault. All the deaths on the weekend were deserved tho - You know theres a problem and you keep playing. Sorry not sorry.

There wont be a rollback. If you lost your Character to BS, welcome to the Classic Experience. If that makes you stop, you probably shouldnt have played in the first place.

If I lose my lvl52 HC Classic Character to a lagspike, I just move him to a Classic Server and keep it casual from there on. problem solved.


Literally nothing that you said makes any sense, that’s kind of an achievement in itself man. I mean sorry, the first sentence is ok.


My post is comprehensive, defines what it is talking about and displays my opinion. Your post is “uuuh man I dont know man, thats like i dont understand man”.

If you wanna crticize something, dont talk to me like a WoW Andy but like a human being.

There is nothing to understand, you are just putting your idiotic opinion out here, that it’s the players fault the server lags, it doesn’t work that way. When you provide a trash service, you don’t blame it on the customer.
It’s like saying : you should’ve known we peed in your soup ! Nobody buys anything with the expectation of faulty. Do you understand now? Probably not, but I tried.
Also in the real world when you buy something and it doesn’t work, you can return it, but somehow Blizzard avoids any kind of responsibility, because that’s easier than dealing with the problem.
You might say : well that works for them anyway, no it doesn’t, many people left that won’t be coming back. HC is done, it’s just a matter of time, and most people don’t go and play the easier mode, they just quit, because that’s not what they signed up for.


No. you just didnt bother to understand what I said.
Its NOT the players fault to die to bugs, glitches, server lags, griefing etc. - But we ALL agreed to the 4536 popups in the beginning, telling us that UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE we get the chars back. We accepted that. If we cant accept it after the fact, we shouldnt have accepted the popups in the first place.

Your Sub isnt just Classic Hardcore. You can go and play on a server where a death isnt the end of your character, and you can transfer your lost hardcore character to a classic server. There is no “real world scenario” where you can claim a broken product or promises.

Yes we shouldn’t have accepted the popup, not in that form anyway. but accepting the popup doesn’t mean they shouldn’t roll back characters, what’s the alternative? People just leave. Kind of a no-brainer to me what’s the better decision.
Why would you mind if someone that lost his character to obvious server issues gets his character back? It has no relation to any kind of skill or integrity.
The integrity of the game is lost anyways, just salvage back the players you can. That’s what would make sense.
And saying well you shouldn’t have played is stupid af, we are paying for this service.


You’re arguing with a troll. It’s pointless, he’ll just move the goalposts wherever he wants, because he likes to gloat at people who lost their characters. There’s literally no reason for him to respond to this thread which speaks about issue that do not concern him at all, but he still does it because he likes to make people angry for no reason. The mind of a child.

You, again, dont understand me.

In MY opinion, Blizzard should ABSOLUTELY! have a group of GMs answering tickets and check for “falling through the floor”, “falling off the flying route” “dying to a 10 minute server lag” etc. but they do not. And they make that CLEAR. I read that and still made the conscious decision to create a char on a server knowing VERY WELL I will lose it to bullcrap.

What I do not understand is why people go on Hardcore, agree to the popups, KNOW about all the bullcrap, have probably seen many, many hardcore death videos on youtube, then die to a lag and suddenly think that ALL THE FACTS THEY AGREED TO suddenly stop being valid, just because it became a reality for them?

Hardcore Classic, as it is, is a joke. It will always be a joke. If you take a joke seriously, you are the one to blame.


Some people dont make wow as their religion, dont read any bit of news, videos ect. AAA company provides service, customer expects good quality servers/ service. I would expect for HC servers have some extra care/ investment or whatever to make more stable servers.
And who reads small print? Create character accept popups and go.
Dont judge others by your standarts. If you read ToS, popups ect good for ya.


I think many people will be butthurt by how tough what you’re saying sounds like, but you unfortunately speak the truth.

I know that the game today isn’t the game from 2005 and we don’t have GMs answering tickets for bugs etc anymore, I didn’t have a high opinion of 2023 Blizzard, but they manage to make my opinion of their customers care from mediocre to absolutely awful.

Not by not rolling back, but by not having a single official blue post to apologize about the crash from last saturday morning. It will be a week, and there hasn’t been anything at all. This is really insane.
Even by using low figures ( as there is nothing official ) we can easily estimate that at least 1 000 people died from their crash, and let’s say people had around 20 hours /played in average ( and this is a very very low estimate ) : that’s the equivalent of 2 years and a quarter that, all cumulated, people spent on characters to see their efforts on building these characters vanish to dust because of a server issue. And there’s no apology at all.


Take the death of your twinked and grouped chars like men and go agane.

Nobody said the popup is not valid, they are just asking Blizz to do the obvious ethical thing to do, which is saving the lost characters.


yeah, nothing wrong with asking whatever you want. But people here act as if its their right to get the character back and/or act as if they only subbed for hardcore classic without access to anything else, which is all just not the case. what your personal reason to sub is doesnt really matter, the conditions were clear and while you can ask for your character back, you gotta deal with it if they dont.

if I lose a character I dont wanna replace, because I dont wanna play it up again, i just quit.


No those are not deserved and no, probably most of the people did not know (including myself) that there were any problems at all because there were no warnings on the most obvious and frequently checked places (launcher, ingame). Stop this arrogant bs excuse. Since Blizzard had known about issues and still did not fix them or at least stopped the servers for maintenance this could very well considered a intentional murder of thousands of characters.


Plot twist Stitches lag was intentional to return players to Dragonflight and Wrath :exploding_head:

Did they rezz Redemption level 40?

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If you use/understand server infrastructure then you’d understand they cannot “save characters” because saving one, might be killing another.

Let’s say that Blizzards snapshots are on the hour, every hour. So there’s a big lag and they want to roll back to the ‘previous hour’. That requires the specific server to be taken offline (or rolled over) which again would cause a delay with overhead as it moves. If you move it live, people will die. So now they roll back and inevitably kill people who just an hour previous narrowly escaped death (a dodge, parry, block now becomes a hit). The mob tables are likely completely separate and now where someone was an hour ago, all mobs dead, there is suddenly a full spawn on them at login. Are you saying that Blizzard now has to tell that group their death was “meant” and therefor more deserved over the others? Could you imagine what the forum and ticket system would look like after that? The tweets, youtube videos and streamers “reacting”?

Take a second to imagine just how hard that would be for Blizzard to deal with because that’s what they’ve done. They’ve got together and realised very very quickly that dealing with character losses would become nothing short of a logistical and accounting nightmare.

That’s why the warning is there.


Well there is the easy solution. Apply a bubble that timer starts expiring only after players enters the realm on everyone involved and reset CD of their HS. But they didn’t do it as if they wanted player characters to die.