20-Person Raiding in Molten Core


Thank you for the feedback and interest in variable size raiding in Season of Discovery. The bug that allowed more than 20 players access to individual instances of Molten Core at launch resulted in unintended design and technical consequences and needed to be fixed.

We’re pleased with how this system is playing out in the Onyxia, Kazzak, and Azuregos encounters and are excited to find ways to continue incorporating this system into more raids in future phases of Season of Discovery.

Thank you again for your feedback on this.

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Woah blue

Experiment with 10man Mc pretty please


Phase has been great so far but 10 man SoD has been the peak raiding experience, hope you guys consider bringing this back maybe with the ability to go more like you’ve been experimenting with as a sort of flexible size but balanced around 10m.
Obviously a little biased but I think the player base was thriving more with 10m.


please re-enable the ability to flex raid size for MC heat 1 and 2.
raids fall over if you sneeze on them anyway, please stop making us bench our raiders under some weird pretense of challenge for heat 1 and 2. :confused:

on one hand the devs say they want (at least heat 1) to be quote “extremely accessible to everyone” yet you restrict it to 20 people only?

that doesn’t seem to make much sense.

i could understand heat 3 and maybe even 2 being restricted to 20-man, but honestly i would prefer heat 2 being flexible as well, as would many others i presume.

heat 1 is a joke and thus restricting it to 20 makes no sense since you could probably 10 man it, and heat 2 seems to be the middle ground between snooze and sweat depending on the boss (most of them are loot pinatas on heat 2 as well though).

heat 3 can keep the 20 man restriction and thus its special rewards more or less intact and “rare” since that’s the sweat mode.



Again, Blizzard can’t understand the game. This phase should start with Flexraid. Currently, the playerbase is struggling. With flexraid, the player could stay to SoD, because at least they can play. If you think, that you will solve this for next phase, that will be too late. The playerbase will be eroding fast, if the can’t play. So I think, this should be the maximum priority now.

Anybody requesting 10man is legitimately trolling; you already had WoTLK and you have Cataclysm and retail.


You also have 40man raids in retail probably so you should go there aswell… You live in a bubble and clearly dont care about the rest of the player base. The one that is trolling ( yourselves and your masters @ blizzard) is you sir forum dweller

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Why is it a troll. Could you explain. I undestand you dont agree that a 10 man raid feature should be implemented in SOD…but why is it a Troll. I was in a small guild with about 10…doing BFD and we had a blast. I would have loved to have 10 man raid feature all the way.

40 man raids haven’t been a thing in retail since… 2006?

That’s incredibly ironic, don’t you think? When was the last time you looked in a mirror?

Because you’re asking for something that goes against the spirit of the game. Classes still have unique identities and unique buffs to accomodate for the larger raid sizes; if we move down to 10man like in WoTLK and Cata, we have to remove a lot of buffs that certain specs bring to accomodate for that balance.

You also knew that 10man was a temporary thing during the levelling phases; Blizzard announced that themselves on release.

Thanks for wasting your time i was waiting for such a comment from someone that lives in these forums full of people who have lost their purpose in life. not gonna read all that and lower myself at your level. Inc your running away comment in 3…2…1

‘Reee 6 sentences is too much for me to read!!!’ - You, probably.

This is a good example of the kind of person that wants 10 man content though, I personally wouldn’t cater to this kind of childishness.

Dont have to read because im experienced enough to deal with people who project their own issues to Randoms. Hope you recover my love.

everything miylee said is spot on though.
you’re being an andy.

10 man raids in SOD had people going “but if we dont bring [this class] we’ll miss out on [buff]” and raid leader went “we can’t make room though”

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That’s exactly what you’re doing though?

Same response.

Weak argument, just because it existst in other versions doesn’t mean it’s bad or it shouldn’t be implemented

how about that one, Mr. I-only-read-one-line-of-a-thread?

  1. I am not logically obligated to comment on all of your lines. I can simply point out a logical inconsistency in one of your arguments.
  2. Since you really insist on hearing my opinion on buffs, here it is. No problem if some specs do not fit in the raid. We’ve had it for years in retail and it works fine, we had it for 3 phases in SoD and it works fine. No need to remove any buffs to accomodate that.

No, we didn’t. The unique class/spec buffs were all shared together from WoTLK onwards; where 10man became a viable raiding option.

Oddly enough, I recall multiple people crying that their class/spec wasn’t required.

I’ve just explained to you why my argument wasn’t ‘logically inconsistant’. Classic raiding (of which SoD is still a part) is designed differently yo WoTLK-onwards raiding.

WoTLK onwards was ‘bring the player not the class’ (Blizzard’s words); that doesn’t apply to Classic and TBC because we still have class specific mechanics, spells and buffs. You can’t just grab a random set-up of 10 muppets and run into Molten Core because you NEED dispells, decurses and cleanses.

Two spots for healers? You NEED a priest. Paladins can dispell sure, but that sucks for the Horde now, doesn’t it?

No priest in your guild or friend group? Unlucky, guess you’re hardstuck on the first boss then. Need to bring a priest? Guess somebody is getting kicked because you’ve only got 10 raid spots.

You are making a mountain out of a molehill. You do not need the raid to be 20 man to be able to do all basic mechanics. As long as your 10-man raid is moderately diverse, there will always be someone to interrupt, someone to decurse, someone to cure poison

And you are backing up MY argument.

I’m telling you that 10man with Classic classes forces you to bring the class and not the player; the opposite of what 10man raids were based on.

10 man raids are bad, plain and simple.