-200 rating

Reported for trolling

Why are you alt tabbing tho?
The program literally flashes in orange when you get a queue.
Sounds to me like you were wasting people’s time.
Working as intended.

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Necessary evil.

TBH, in your case (alt tabbing, coz you can’t wait for 15 seconds) it’s not blizz fault. You made other 7 player to suffer and lose.

In other cases however (Internet problems, OS crash, etc) it’s feels really unfair. Sure, Blizz can not detect what caused the disconnect (it’s could be someone who just rage quit with ALT+F4), but the -200 CR is waaaay too much. Even if your MMR does not drop, it’s takes a lot of games (15+ even with high win rate) just to get back to your original CR. -100 CR punishment would be enough.

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This system is rather embarrassng.

I got a queue pop > accepted it > clicked a portal to orgrimmar > 16/16 players accepted while I was in loading screen > the orgrimmar loading screen swaps to Twin Peaks for a split second, after the loading screen I end up in Orgrimmar unable to join the bg blitz, it said I was locked to the bg till the match finishes but there was no possible way to join the game.

-200 rating, thanks for not having a ”enter battleground” button if you click the eye when it comes to bg blitz.

No nothing u cn do tbh its so silly to lose 200 rating when u gain so little for a win. Blizz has failed on many lvls with blitz and meanwhile they are purposely capping shuffle mmr so we have to play this rng broken trash mode.

Just minutes ago, my friend asked me to due queue. Queue pop, I pressed enter. I was in, then he said “nothing happened just a message “Transfer aborted…” in the chat”. He got “no show” desert debuff. Then while he raged, he left our party as well and i was dropped out as well at the same moment with “no show” so i can say farawell to my 1.8 because they can’t fix this bug for 10 years.

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