-200 rating

Today I played Blitz for many hours straight and I gained tons of rating until something unexpectedly happened. While I was alt tabbing the orange dot popped on the WoW app signaling that the que was ready, I press enter but it takes some time until all 16 players accept it so I go back to alt tabbing meanwhile.

I completely forgot about that for like 10 minutes then I quickly opened my WoW and saw the ‘no show’ deserter.
I had been kicked out and lost 200 rating as a result.
I dropped from 1985 to 1785…

What should I do? Can I do anything about that? Can I open a ticket and say I didnt intentionally do that? They can refund my rating since I didnt do it with intent, right? I hope Blizzard can refund my 200 rating because if they cant I just wasted the whole Sunday for nothing.

At the moment I feel everything I worked for is lost and I dont have the motivation to push anymore.
Should I just quit Blitz for this season or not?


Yikes i didnt even know this was a thing, Sorry this had to happen to you and thanks for sharing. If i sign up for games of Blitz now il be paying good attention to it, Although healer queues are pretty instant.

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They won’t give you anything back, I can tell you from experience. The important thing is that your MMR hasn’t dropped too much. If not, try again and you’ll probably recover.

After a lot of people complained on the forums about people DCing/not connecting they made it so that leaving or not connecting to such matchmade games a more serious offense with warbound stacking penalties. Previously, it was significantly more lenient.

Ticketing Support has no use since this is an intentional developer change working as intended. Your MMR remains unaffected however.

I already expected “innocent” people would get hit by this, but the people who kept spamming these threads got what they wanted and we’re currently at this state.

If you want to see this changed you can submit a suggestion through the ingame box for a different version or more lenience.

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I had a similar thing on solo shuffle in dragonflight due to a glitch of a phased quest regarding flying but as Rizkul suggest, MMR does not drop, so you gain, and sometimes even more rating than intended

Nah they wont i got dc several times in dragonflight and lost rating support dont care at all.

Weird one, I even managed to hit my first time duelist despite the unintended drop on season 2

I’ve gotten DC x2 times, lost -200 rating each time, so -400 in total. :')

My friends got the random DC all at the same time as well. Some of them playing at 2300-2400+ rating, and getting -400 in total because of blizzards unstable servers.

This system is dog.


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yeah get a 2nd monitor big guy


Until you get DC and lose 200 XD

This didn’t age well :dracthyr_crylaugh:


Yea… I could be 2.4k but some top monk healer, sweaty multiglad, elite, legend ruined 2 winnable games… My best was 2390 but yea it’s true I shouldn’t be there, I was there only because wasn’t losing rating.

So, you went AFK and got kicked, and you want Blizzard to refund points for a mistske YOU made? You have no one, but yourself to blame and if that made you lose motivation, maybe don’t alt-tab once you qu has popped?

Also, you lost 200 rating and you want to throw away the whole season now?

Maybe you should find a different game.


Not the same issue but i connected to a match yesterday. For somereason i was stuck on 1300 mmr for ages even with 80% winrate managed to play through it and got it up to 2.2 mmr before the gates even open i get dced because of server instability and im not able to reconnect to the game it just said retrieving servers for 30 minutes before i could get back in. lost 200 rating and all mmr. i just canceled my sub and hit the uninstall button as tickets etc wont bring it back. The problem is not that its hard to get back where i was it was only like 1600 cr but its 10 games with 20 ish rating gains thats a whole day of sitting in que and playing, its just not worth it if the same thing happens tomorrow…

Maybe stop watching p0rn or other dumb crap and forget about the game you just queued for? A whole team was left to lose just because of you. You deserve more than 200 lost. The audacity of thinking a ticket could help is just ridiculous. Pathetic.


So you alt tab when the queue popup and it’s blizzard’s fault? and the points your team lost because of you? dude… xD


lmao dont tab out then after accpeting a que pop??

Sorry for a dumb question, however, is not CR and MMR same thing? If you do not mind explaining the difference, please?

Current Rating - Also known as CR, Current Rating is the number that is made public for ranking purposes. This number goes up and down in a dynamic fashion varying heavily based your Matchmaking Rating (MMR) relative to your own Current Rating (CR) with your opponent’s Matchmaking Rating (MMR) also being a factor.

Mhm, so the majority of the times I get matched with those, whose average Matchmaking Value is 1.8 to 2.2k but sometimes, with people who are 0-1.4k. (rarely)

The matchmaking values changes depedning on my gameplay? Or there are other factors? Also, if I get average 2k+ people does it mean it is my MMR?

Sorry for these questions, just trying to understand.