I returned to retail in mid-December after xx years and I really enjoy it, but I feel like it ended really early. It took me a few days to be able to understand all the new things that retail has, and it took me a few more days to fully understand the full content of the 20th anniversary event and I wish I could have spent more time playing it.
I’m sure people would appreciate it if the 20th Anniversary event ran at least until Easter so we could all enjoy it to the fullest, even the busy ones.
Anyway, I’m looking forward to the 21st anniversary event!
Sure, if you start with the event more than two months after it started, you’ll lack time. And you seem to want those two months added :). For anyone who played regularly, not even overly much, I think for most parts there was plenty of time.
They can’t schedule events based on the inactive players. Someone will start two weeks before Easter and will have the same complaints.
I think it was a decent event. The only con (for me) was that quite some bits and pieces (not the secrets!) weren’t as self-explanatory as they could have been, including what will happen with the tokens / sets / … after the event is over and the whole fact that you get those Bronze tokens for basically any activity after obtaining 100…just make that a quest next time so it’s 100% clear?
I feel so sorry for the developers of this game when you have half the community saying the patch is a nothing burger and then check the official forums and there are posts wanting it to run on for 4-5 months to have time to do it.
I enjoyed it for what it was, but it was only really something I actively participated in for about 2 weeks, in no small part because people complained so hard about the bronze token income on days 1+2 that it was massively buffed on on day 3, to the point where I had everything I could get and was just passively farming timewalking badges without even leaving my normal Modus Operandi in less than a week.
It could have been so much more, and IMO it deserved to be more and feel engaging for longer, but people utterly ruined it by throwing tantrums about not being able to get everything in a 2,5 month event on day one, meaning anyone who played semi-regularly was effectively done with it way too fast.
That said, IMO one other big mistake was sharing the great Vault between Nerub’Ar and BRD, during a time when the majority of the community was still progressing /Gearing up in Nerub… I would have loved to try BRD heroic, but there ain´t no way in hell I´m overwriting Nerub’ar vault slots with BRD loot that ´s mostly good for transmog when I´m still missing things like Spymaster´s Web. And my raid team felt the same way, meaning anyone (from our circle, but probaly a lot of other players as well) that wanted to do BRD heroic was generally doing it on an undergeared alt and /or with randoms…
I kind of agree here. I didn’t convert those Bronze tokens till yesterday, and I had 800 spare ones. It felt low-key bad to convert them to TW badges instead.
We may have reduced the “value” of the rewards by letting our FOMO speak at the start of the celebration period.
I’m not really complaining about anything. Of course it is my problem and those who were either busy or got back late December, that’s why I typed that the event could take longer so everyone could do as much as they wanted. I’m not saying the event was short, but it was not long enough for returning players.
I bet 2024 November to December was peak time of returning players who had to go through lot of new content. It took me few days to understand all the new stuff. Additionally there is WoW Classic and WoW HC and there is just so much to do that even 2.5 months didn’t feel like enough for me. Lot of players had to do decision to either play the new launched 20th Anniversary Classic realms/HC or they could play 20th Anniversary event on retail.
But I understand as someone said that you can’t build game like this around the type of players like me. If there is another event behind the corner then I got it and I will look forward for it.
I don’t know why you’d come to that conclusion. You might be projecting here a bit.
The biggest influx of new players historically happens at the release of a new expansion. Not when a minor patch for an expansion is released.
Both will be there, waiting. So to do them instead of a time limited event seems a bit silly?
Of course, if you’d rather do those things than the anniversary, that’s completely fine. But that has (and imo should) have consequences.
Well, that’s the ‘returning player’ part. But like you said; the game can’t be balanced around that, because there’s returning players all the time.
For me, a player who was here since the launch of TWW, the event was over rather quickly; for the most part anyway. The whining of people at the slow rate of bronze aquisition made it a 2 week (ish) event for me. Only time I went back for a while was doing the secret finding stuff.
Anyway; I’d rather see new content coming in than extending stuff. New things will always be more interesting to me personally.
Wasn’t it like a 3 month long thing? I dont remember when it started but it ran for soo long most people got bored of it.
Sound like the customer coming into my work asking for the specific discounted product, only to get mad when I tell them it’s sold out and they ask angrily why we have it on discount if it’s sold out, where I have to explain to them the item has been on discount for like 3 weeks already so it’s not that strange that we’ve sold out.
The rewards were nice but the acquisition of the rewards felt like just a reason to keep people doing the weekly quests in a time where otherwise players would’ve wrapped up the need to do their weekly quests.
I also havn’t forgotten they more then doubled the copper intake on some of the weekly quests very early on, which always tells me that they knew about this in testing but where hoping people wouldn’t notice it was a hamsterwheel.
I also didn’t enjoy the rotating bosses, just let every boss be there every day and chromie’s event was really just lackluster
Again tho, saving grace: it had cool transnog rewards