20th anniverssary bug fest

Im gonna start with paladin real quick , cause its so frustrating , so basicly sacred weapons for lightsmith , mainly for PROT PALADINS is going to healers always , no more dps target unless you manualy target it , can we at least fix tha target proc so it goes back to dps automaticly ? shield goes to healer weapon goes to dps , Moment of glory generate 25% of dmg dealt as a shield , and when i get the buff i read 20% , sometimes last stand doesn’t work on the last boss on grim batol , happened to me in shadowlands too on halls of atonement , sentinel gives 40% damage increase , don’t know if thats intended , but there was none on blue posts that its gonna give that , hammer and anvil dmg got reduced by 40% so the dam is gone from the buffs we got , i don’t understand whats going on with classses but this new update is full of class bugs , there is also warrior buffs/nerfs that were supposed to be live , they forgot about them maybe ? or reverted them ? never seen a balance patch not having balance stuff , i guess now we doing stealth buffs and nerfs , as much as i love this game , this is getting frustrating to wake up , excited for new stuff then bug fiesta , and the issue is prot paladin is so bugged its crazy , hope blizzard fix this stuff this week at least , and i hope for future patches we get more testing before releasing , i would rather have a month late patch with smooth launch than a full fiesta bugs and another week to balance things out.

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