[21-05 8PM ST Details inside] - [DK RP] Ebon Wars

Incoherent howling.

I have no idea how I missed this, but it’s an AWESOME plot idea. Defo looking forward to see how the bois of my longest-played class war with each other before the Scourge is quite literally torn in two!

Name: Siegfried Brokenwail
Side: Loyalist

Couldn’t really partake in the last two events, so hopefully this time will be different.

Won’t be able to make this one unfortunately. Loyals got this though. We’re the good guys in this, after all.

Name: Parasitus Epidemicus
Side: Loyalist you heretic!

Recent events in Acherus took a surprising turn. A Knight was offended by Baer’s capture at the hand of a fellow Knight. Using the power of bureaucracy and hierarchy, she manages to involve higher ups of the Citadel in the affair. Some of them would see the rebel Knight released and interrogated later.

After all the trouble the Knights loyal to the Throne had to go through to capture him and his comrade, some of them find that pill hard to swallow. Yet, they cannot rebel openly against the order given by Acherus. Obeying the Citadel or keeping their lead… How to meet those two lose ends ?

The rebels do not rejoice fully just yet. They expect a potential gambit thrown by their opponents. Perhaps they will have to take on the shadows to ensure their plan is fulfilled and see Acherus’ judgement respected.

Due to recent IC complications, the event will undergo some changes compared to the initial plan. The goal is still the same : keeping or freeing the rebel captives. Yet, this time, Acherus officials may come do the deed. The goal of your camp is to secure the “payload” for yourselves. You’ll be given one hour to plot your scheme both IC and OOC. I will be available to give you a few potential ideas to go through if you struggle with your strategy. Be prepared to have to take on the initiate attire if you do an undercover mission.

Signing up is NO LONGER mandatory for this event. Feel free to show up.

Sign up List :

Rebels :

Jane Bay
Hugues Baer

Loyalists :

Parasitus Epidemicus
Siegfried Brokenwail

Meeting 21/05/2020 at 8PM ST. The action will start 30 mins -1h later.
Rebel : Eastern Plaguelands, Acherus
Loyal : Eastern Plaguelands, Terrordale


I’d like to apologize for the lack of big action tonight.
Sadly, the plans I had were shaken last second and decided to leave great autonomy to the players for this event because I couldn’t figure how to mend it.
You lot chose to [Speech] your way and create some conflict and tension. I hope it suited your wishes and had fun despite the calmer turn of events.

I’ll try and find something better for the future. Thanks for your patience.


I’m not sure if it’s too late to sign up, but here we go! I am a bit unsure about which side is who however; is the loyalists pro-Scourge or pro-Ebon Blade?

The loyalists support the current alliance that stands between the scourge and the Ebon Blade

The rebels are actively working against that alliance, sabotaging the scourge.

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Kate here maintains the opinion that anyone with continued exposure to Acherus somehow loses the capacity for forward thinking and rational planning. That and the Deathlord’s follies are a Problem, certainly.

Maybe her wanderings will take her back towards fellow Ebons.

Acherus is the way, my fellow Knight.

The Scourge is the enemy contained by the Deathlord’s pact with the Lich King. (For now).

I’m actually really interested in this but my availability is limited currently, do you do much Sunday nights? Even just casual rp. Rebel side, this would be.

Not all that much casual RP goes around this concept directly. Of course, it is still a point of discussion amongst many Death Knight’s, but the rebels in particular have to be very careful and not let their identities be known. I myself has been using a lot of time sniffing out those filthy traitor’s amongst our ranks…

I can say that in the Ebon Onslaught, this whole plot does fill quite a lot lately (at least for me), and has been super-fun. We’re on most evenings RP’ing casually in Eastern Plaguelands Acherus (since non-DK’s have access to that). Feel free to swing by, but do remember to not make it too obvious that you’re rebelling against the crown.

Other than that, your best bet is to simply wait for an event to be announced by Baer. Judging by the current point in the story, it should be relatively easy to fit in on either side. Just do remember to sign up, sometimes people who just show up randomly can’t attend due to the two teams needing to have roughly the same amount of players.

Hope this helped.


Awesome, thanks

With most of the rebels having been evicted or deserting the Ebon Blade, the acts of rebellion and attacks against the Scourge seem to have slowed down. Is it a mere coincidence to frame those departed Knights or were they the true culprits ?

None truly knows.

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