Anyone else finding it really… disheartening… when trying to get a specific legendary to drop?
I’ve run Spires for hours. I nudge guild groups towards Spires, I queue for it when nobody wants to come. More than 50% of my dungeon runs were Spires. I’m sick of it. I hate Spires now. I’m starting to hate everything Kyrian, and it’s my chosen covenant!
But I feel guilty if I’m not running Spires because that is where the legendary I want drops.
It’s becoming a very weird mono-dungeon game for me. I’m starting to find excuses to not log in because… that just means more Spires.
If we’re going to make legendaries and targeting them a core part of this expansion, could they be… targetable?
I am more then happy to keep running it with you just poke me 
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I havnt tried farming yet am still in cov campaign and daily mode.
But i will be farming other side soo ln
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It would be nice if the drop rate was higher, as it seems totally unfair for some people to get it first run and others have to do 100+ runs.
I got my recipe from Spires yesterday, which is a relief, but many guildies still need leggos from Spires so I’ll still be helping them run it on a near-daily basis. Seems weird that so many of us need legendaries from the same dungeon, but at least that makes it convenient for grouping as there’s something in it (potentially) for everyone.
Thank you 
It’s not that other people aren’t in the same boat or willing to help, it’s mostly that I have a moral issue because…
Why? Why have Blizzard not yet learned that players want to be rewarded equally?
Nobody would have moaned if it was a currency and you had to do 50 dungeons to buy a legendary of your choice. Well, a few people would, but nobody would have said it’s unfair.
As it is, I see people with 20 ilvls less, with a legendary, and people with 5 ilvls more without one. Now that is unfair.
I wouldn’t mind with regular gear. I don’t get like this about trinkets or staffs or what have you - but the legendary is a core feature of Shadowlands. They were hyped up as a thing you’d get early and upgrade over time; but a lot of folks must be starting to feel they’ll have to start the new raid/dungeon season without one.
And that’s going to feel bad when other people have theirs for no reason other than dumb luck.
There’s also the matter of the different methods of obtaining legendaries. Yes, it’s great that you can see where they come from, but that doesn’t help if the content isn’t out. For Affliction warlock, out of the 4 spec-specific legendaries, 1 is from the raid which isn’t out yet, and 2 are from wings of Torghast that haven’t come up in the rotation yet. There is only one spec-specific legendary that it’s actually possible to get at the moment! (So I am extremely grateful that I did manage to get that one).
Some kind of currency or at least bad luck protection would be a better way to combat the unfairness of random drops. I expect that running the same things again and again is likely to cause burnout and lose players - which is exactly what you don’t want at the start of an expansion! Plus no one wants to feel resentful when their guildies and friends get a legendary, but it’s hard not to if you’ve run the instance 50 times and they get it on the first run. Resentment and competition between friendly players is not good in a social game.
What? You’re not getting a LEGENDARY in the first week of an expansion? Preposterous!
You are toxic and disgusting i know he has put in lots of effort and he always does please take you views else were especially when you are nothing more then a casual pretending to be hardcore .
To be fair, legendaries offer a serious performance increase to most specs, so it’s important to get them asap in order to prepare for the raid progression/M+ season/PvP season.
But other people are.
All the guides and hype around SL has prepared us to expect a legendary in the first 1-2 weeks. We’re all planning how to have enough soul ash to craft it before our first raid/M+.
And yet here we are. Some people have it, some don’t. Many of those who have it have logged less game time than those who don’t. Some of those who don’t now have to question whether to spam their legendary heroic, or hit up m0s for gear because they don’t have time for both. Honeymoon week is over, most of us are back to the day job now.
And that’s what sucks. So much hype about getting started on your legendary, and it’s turning out to be just another mad grind with low % drops.
This does suck too. I hear the raid legendaries are a guaranteed drop though? So at least it’s a target you can work towards.
I for one love a countdown towards something, rather than a count up of how many times I’ve tried and RNG has denied me
I’d be happy with a 100% drop from the last boss in the raid, even, at least I’d feel the moment approaching rather than just stare into an abyss of uncertainty.
Indeed, desperately needed. The way it is now will breed jealousy and disillusionment between friends.
And this. Nobody wants to start the season without a legendary when other players have theirs.
It does suck if yours isn’t available until later on; but at least you know it and aren’t endlessly spamming the same dungeon. I think I’d be happier with a raid drop, I’d know there was nothing I can do right now!
The chance remains equal, whether you get it within a run or 100.
The issue is not being able to get any legendary, pretty sure that everyone at least has one. The issue is our mentality that anything below “BiS” is useless. So we all aim for the BiS one asap.
Well you have to farm a dungeon, I have to do the second-last boss of the raid as non-raider. And my alternative comes from the Great Vault. Yey.
is it best to farm on heroic or mythic for lego drop in spire???
Im after thunderlord
lol switched my profile to my tank lol
I’d be happy to run couple of dungeons with you, as I need to start doing them.
That is of course if you want to take a woefully undergeared fury warrior on a community run one evening
That as you have no lock out now .
No lockout on mythic 0 as of yesterday either 
Really ? is there not thats a huge change .
Actually I have two; for the specs I don’t play in dungeons/raids. I have none for my healer spec, which is the only loot spec I’ve been in.
So it’s not a case of BiS or bust - it’s a case of one or none.
Though for the record, I’m after the one for fistweaving, and I don’t think it maths out as the best. But it is the one that supports how I like to play and it is thus the one I’m most keen to get hold of. I will pursue the one from Torghast as well, but I will hold off using it if I’m not underperforming in raids.
As far as I know, same drop % on all difficulties. Was farming it in normals, will be farming in heroics. Did the weekly m0 already.
so if ive completed spire mythic zero… am i still allowed to farm it for the lego power chance?
Found that but nothing about mythic so far .
Nothing here either