Low legendary drop rate

I… had not read about the lack of lockout on m0?

But it doesn’t make much difference if the drop % is the same, which I believe it is. There’s not really any upgrades in Spires for me anymore. At best I can replace 171s with 184s, which is nice but… not massive.

Which is another reason it gets so tiresome. People grinding the same dungeon have had every item twice over.

In the absence of a guild group, I’ll run heroic anyway because I can queue for it, and as a healer it’s pretty fast.

There is not one as

Says nothing about it at all .

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Cba farming gear with low drop, mounts is enough for me.

Any other item I would agree.

But one of the core features of SL is getting and upgrading a legendary. You do want one. If you have one that’s not your BiS, feel free to go with it, but some of us literally don’t have one for our main spec :frowning:

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Yea my bis legend is actually from the dungeon that drops a mount so i guess i be getting it in time from my mount runs.

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and this is why I didn’t pre order or buy shadowlands. I knew this would happen. It was hyped up like nothing else but it’s the same “play for 300 hours and hope something drops” of the last few expacs

I’m so lucky I got my aoe legendary in Torghast, and my bis heal one drops in the raid (hopefully also in lfr, I have no energy to properly raid anymore). I can’t imagine the frustration of having to re-run the same dungeon over and over again. I’m hating everything Venthyr just from farming Avowed rep for alchy stone.

My bad, I read it wrong lol

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I like Kyrian… or I did. Saturation on one dungeon is starting to kill the love. If this thing doesn’t drop soon I can imagine changing just for a break from it :joy_cat:

Just can’t understand why the drop rates are so low. One poor guildie has done Plaguefall 56 times and still not got his… That’s an obscene waste of time and utterly disrespectful of players having lives beyond the game.


Geez, I’ve gotten some old raid mounts with less kills. That’s awful.

I would have no problem with these drop rates on raid mounts. Cosmetic frills, entirely optional. I’d even forgive it on powerful trinkets, etc.

But on a core game mechanic for which there was much hype?

No. The things need to actually drop reliably.

I’m probably going to wait 1-2 weeks into Mythic to craft mine. At least one should wait for the post-heroic-week balance round because they might get re-tuned a little.

I don’t have any useful legendary either yet and I’m super relaxed about it. My BiS drop from world-bosses that we haven’t seen spawm yet and from the last raid boss and I’m not going to waste ash to craft anything other than BiS - so I’ll have to wait.

But would you have the same attitude if the legendary you wanted most (whether or not it’s BiS for your role) was in a grindable dungeon?

I’d rather have a high drop from a raid or world boss than a low drop from spammable content…

Maybe cause its just luck of the draw?

Just like everything nowadays.

Yeah u could target a specific legendary (that some random internet Joe says is your absolute BiS) and keep bashing your head against the wall until you get it…if ever.
Or you could forget about legendaries and just play the game like you want and enjoy the legendaries you do get, even if not your absolute BiS.
The fact that there is BiS legendary doesn’t mean all the other ones are total trash…

I mean yeah, but it doesn’t make me feel any better.

Why does a random chunk of the player base get a legendary easily and everyone else has to grind like hell for it?

Be much happier with a currency whereby you can get 1 legendary per 50 dungeons. Sure it’s a lot, but the countdown is motivating.

I don’t want the BiS one, I want the fun one :slight_smile:

Although right now I have none for my main spec. Actually none.

Did you ever consider the fact these players may not get other stuff easely>?

yes because after a heavy post heroic-week nerf (or buff of others) I might no longer want it. I don’t know about Monk legendaries, but a nerf/buff can affect the playstyle (not only the output). So even if you don’t care about output / BiS, I would wait another 2 weeks before crafting it anyways.

Normalmode/heroic and low M+ will be easily doable without legendaries and that’s all that will be available in the next two weeks, so there’s little point in crafting one alredy.

In my experience, some players are always lucky and others aren’t, tbqh.

People with several strong alts often feel like one of them is unlucky :joy_cat:

I’m going for the play style one anyway ^^; Nerf or buff, it will still be the only legendary that leans into fistweaving.

I take your point about holding off crafting if you’re going for performance first, however.

What I’m saying is that a nerf/buff can change the playstyle. I don’t know the monk legendary, so I’m talking hypothetically, but for example in mid 8.3 fistweaving was changed from no longer being able to maintain mist on all targets because of a handful of people heavily stacking haste. So even if people wanted to fistweave for playstyle rather than output, it got changed.

I don’t know which one you are targeting and what changes can affect playstyle in your case :smiley: I’m just saying, for most legendaries it could. So I would suggest everyone to just wait. Soul Ash is a super limited resource