23/11/24 - 78th Call of the Silver Hand

To all Knights of the Silver Hand and Paladin defenders of the Alliance. A meeting of the Order has been called on the evening of Saturday the 23rd of November at Light’s Dawn Cathedral in Gilneas City. We ask you to bring information about your activities and requests to further our order’s knowledge and understanding of worldly matters.

Event Details

Where — Light’s Dawn Cathedral (Gilneas City)
When — 19.00 Sunday 23rd November. 20:00 Meeting start.
Bring — Your delightful demeanor and interesting news.

IC Agenda

  • 19.00 - Gathering and Socialising.
  • 20.00 - Opening Speech and Prayer.
  • 20.05 – Reports on Operation Greymane and the reclimation of Gilneas
    *20.45 - Reports from the units and the assembly.
  • 21:15 - Meeting conclusion.

When the formalities of the meeting come to a close. You may retire to the outside to discuss the reports, engage in training with your fellow knights.

While the Call of the Silver Hand serves primarily as an opportunity for Silver Hand and Argent role-players and guilds to meet up and get to know each other, the meeting also maintains the tradition of welcoming participation from allies and friends of the Silver Hand. In that sense, representatives of the Church of the Holy Light, Alliance military and other holy orders are welcome to send representatives.

To me, no knightly order is complete without ettiquette so please allow me to remind those who’ve not attended in a while of the ettiquette of the Call meetings.

  1. Knights of the Silver Hand are invited to the front rows of the Cathedral. A knight may be accompanied by their squire(s).
  2. Guests and observers of the meeting are asked to remain behind the front 3 rows where they can watch.
  3. Only those stood at the bema of the Cathedral can address the congregation without express invitation from the person stood at the bema.
  4. After every speech, please /applaud the speaker as a gesture of respect and appreciation.
  5. Speakers are allotted 10 minutes to address the crowd. If you’re a slow typer, have your speech ready in a couple of paragraphs in notepad or a similar app. Please, for Dyslexics like myself, do not use addons that post multiple /says similtaneously, it’s unLightly difficult to read.

To secure a pre-booked time to speak, please message me on discord. If you love these events and want to stay in touch with the wider community, then please join our discord at discord dot gg slash y8QYrurtA8


Definitely looking forward to this! The last one was a blast, this will definitely be no different! <3

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