24k hunt on 27% versa in Arena. Normal?

Is this actually normal? I’m posting from the character I got hit on right now, like 20 minutes back.

24k The Hunt from a DH on 27% versa hunter at 208 ilvl.

i.imgur . com/4xi1BCJ.jpg

And that’s a non-crit. Blizzard please fix Demon Hunters asap.

Yeah when it crits it can do this big dmg. You gotta understand that DH is just about this… sadly, im more worried about you not dodging the one spell you have to look out for. If you feign dead, turtle, freeze trap or basically play any type of cc you will set the hunt on CD(when DHs actually charge) and than you can basically one shot DH at current stage(again… sadly). 27% versa is more then enough. If im not mistaken, feign death is only 30 sec CD, so you will always have something to dodge it as a hunter.

With this information im sure you will have no problem dealing with current havocs next time, best of luck! - Abariz

It is not a justificiation to one button one shot.
If you interrupt or CC fire mage or destro, you litteraly give yourself and team some advanatge. DH will just use hunt again and job is done.
In order to hunt being balanced it need longer cast time and effect that if hunt has been interrupted then DH would be disarmed for 4-5 seconds.

Interrupting The Hunt while its being casted has no sense because DH can fake cast. CCing The Hunt when you are ,mid air" is quite easy - everything can stop that: Traps, Stuns, Blinds, Fears. Its harder to stop when you are in melee range. Crit chance is RNG lottery every 1.5 minute - it happens but there are classes like Ret Pala where those numbers are common and more often. DH is massacred already so please dont complain about random crits from The Hunt - thats the last thing that makes this class ,playable".


Before the patch yea, only real threat was the hunt. But after the patch, DH damage is absolutely busted in arenas

Daedra you still dont understand when to “interupt” more like stop the hunt.

DMG in face to face combat is buffed yeah, wich means as a DH you dont find it usesfull when face to face deffs were nerfed big time(even leech). DH is about burst and kiting, he absolutely (on higher cr) cant stand and trade with other classes. Our burst got nerfed (UB by 15% wich is HUGE, leech in meta > usesfull face to face healing deff got nerfed by 5% and darkeness is now a joke). Hunt itsefl is so easily outplayed that its compensated with the high dmg(still a BIIIIG RNG thing).

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