Someone shared such a quest which I think might have been ‘kill 10 players in an epic bg’ maybe. Just wondering where I can pick that up other than getting it shared by someone.
I don’t know if it’s still relevant because your thread is 22 days old. However you get an answer anyways:
It’s a weekly quest called “No Mercy for the Merciless” in Wintergrasp, which you randomly can join through queueing up in"Epic battlegrounds". When it happens and you enter the bg it will be available from the npc before the battle starts.
Important thing to remember is: Once you’ve completed the quest remember to click on the quest and receive the 250 conquest points while still in the bg, cause if you leave before you’ve received it, the reward is lost.
Oh wow. Thanks. What a stupid design.
Actually not, too many times I completed this quest after BG.
It’s only possible to complete this quest once in any season.
That’s no my experience. Each and every time you have to click on it INSIDE the bg and then when you get out you can complete it. Maybe this wording is better.
No, it’s a weekly quest.
So, try it when and I will wait your answer after a week, told you as a PVP player.
And you’re absolutely right!
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