250k Honorable Kills Achievement BUGGED, PLEASE FIX!

Hi all,

Making this post because a GM advised me to do so.

After having played Classic for over 4 years now I finally managed to get over 250k Honorable Kills. Only to realise the Achievement that comes with the ‘… the Bloodthirsty’ title is bugged despite having well over 250k Honorable Kills account wide.

The progression bar has been bugged since Cataclysm BETA, which I have reported over a dozen times via the bug report system alone, yet no action has been taken.

Hoping a game developer reads this and is able to fix the issue.

(Also fix Twin Peaks Mountaineer while you’re at it).

Kind regards,



^ This would be very much appreciated


This indeed, we are multiple phases into the expansion and these have been broken since day 1. How has this been ignored for so long?


^ Where fix please

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I have the title.

At first I thought that the kills counted account-wide - but that wasn’t the case. I only got the title after a char had the 250000 kills alone.

However, the title is account-wide.

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If you have 250k HK’s on the same account you will get it indeed.

However, you should be able to get it account wide too. Seems like most of the account wide stuff is bugged currently.

No, that’s not true.

I had the 250k kills on my account for a long time and didn’t get the Achivment. Only when I had the 250k on my main character did I get the title and Achivment.

Yva is right, all hks on your account are supposed to count, if it doesnt on classic its just bugged.