Looking for a nice consistent M+ Team for running the “vault-game”. I got the skills, I got the gear - so please, don’t hesitate to gimme a /w ! Warlock 2.5k Rio. (Ruoja-Lightbringer)
I have played WoW since release. I like the game - and I like my guild and friends. At the moment in my guild the only thing lacking is the high-key M+ scene and committed team. I like to run dungeons and I like to raid. I’m an adult dude with a good attitude.
My goal is to do the eight +20 keys to fill the vault with nice people and a smile. Anyone who has tried to que in the finder as a ‘lonely dps’ knows the suffering it can be. (could rant on the state of the game and M+ scene for hours - but I guess y’all know how it is)
Anyway - I’m ready to do even big sweeping changes (like changing guild/ migrating) if required, but I would really love to try and find nice people first this way as X-realm.