T3 6 Piece Set Bonus: The stacking buff feels bad with 2H compared to DW, building stacks can be much slower and makes 2H much less competitive compared to DW without pre-stacking, something many guilds/teams won’t want to do.
Might of Menethil: 2H weapon itemization is lacking compared to BLW and follows the poor design of AQ40 with only 1 viable upgrade, that being Blade of Inquisition. Currently the only other 2H weapon is Might of Menethil which is massively under performing with Dark Edge of Insanity out performing it for 2H Fury.
BWL has several weapon option, with Ashkandi being the best, but the Drake axe being a good middle ground and untamed blade still being an upgrade over MC gear.
MoM could be the perfect Warrior weapon, removing competition from Paladins for BoI but needs significant buffs to pull this off. A quick sim of the current best builds requires an additional 200 str adding to MoM to compete with BoI.
It would be great to keep 2H competitive with DW as it has been in AQ and BWL as many Warrior players enjoy this play style but also want to stay competitive and between the set bonus and the lack of weapon options, 2H Fury is looking to drop off.