2v2 is screwed, like 3v3 is healthy compared to it

simply because there are no rewards

They would put titles, transmog, pet, mount in 2s, they would obviously have people to play it.

And for me they should remove the solo shuffle and blitz, BUT add a solo q to join the 2s/3s/rbg (yes you might come up against teams, but you have to be sociable or not)

The players had asked for this, not the solo shuffle or the blitz, but a real solo q


simply, because shuffle exists, no reason to play 2s
nobody wants to play bracket which in some seasons was even worse than shuffle

I don’t agree, shuffle wouldn’t have rewards like the 2s, shuffle would be a mega flop.

in mop/wod/legion there was no rewards from 2s, you could queue any time, find teammates any time (ok maybe there were less people in 10 a.m., but you could still find someone on 2k-2.2k range quickly)

I think even s4 bfa 2s was much more healthier than shuffle ever was, because I remember I had 3k rank meanwhile I was 2.6kcr

what shuffle have except legend title? similar as other brackets
u guys want glad mount for queuing 1 game and all elite pvp sets from old expansion for free, cause u r all jealous u was bad or didnt play game back in the days. FYI, I dont have glad and elite sets before bfa

Game had better participation when getting rewards was hard and felt really challenging, go ahead, prove me wrong. Now u have all brackets dead. It’s MMORPG and invested time in it should be rewarded

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in this extension there were not 10x, but maybe 50x more players (wod was 500k players per season, in 3s)

I don’t like suffle, I always found the format stupid, and it’s not what the players asked for, they wanted a solo q, not this.

and damn don’t talk about misfortune with bfa s4, I think it’s the worst season ever, with pve farming and passive procs.

that with s1 s1 (before the nerfs) and the oneshot 1 button, never forget how horrible it was, it’s notably because of that that the game lost all credibility.

(there were players in s2 sl because the mmr was absurd)

I didn’t say otherwise, I think the gladiator 2400 50 win of bfa is a monumental stupidity.

on the other hand I would put several levels of rewards.

I don’t know why they wouldn’t do like before, and put rewards for 0.1% (r1 tilt),0.1% (spec tilt) 0.5% (mount glad), 1.5% (another reward), 3% (anotehr reward), 5% …

2s, 3s and rbg rewards should be different too