2V2 Melee PvP Tier list 9.2 Season 3 Shadowlands (AND Meta Analysis)

Hi guys,

The video starts with a meta analysis for melees in 2V2 and of course you’ll see the tier list i’ve made based of representation, personal feeling, current experience ( Do I face alot of X Classes? ) etc…

The Timestamps are seen in the description and you can of course take your time watching / listening to the video where I explain why I’ve put X spec at Y tier.

Preview of the Tier list =>

S tier (God tier ): SURVIVAL, OUTLAW, SUB

A tier (meta): Assassination, Havoc, Feral, Unholy, WW, Fury

B ( average): Arms, Enhancement, Retri

C ( Underperforming) : Frost DK

D ( Unplayable) : None, there is no unplayable melee classes in 2s at this very moment.

Thank you for watching !

Link to the video : https://youtu.be/INQD0B_jpZc

Arms is still much better than unholy in 2s.

No It isn’t, I play both at the moment and Unholy has absurd damage.
It relies a bit less on Resto shaman than Arms.
I mean we could debate on it if you want? But I kinda explained in the video why Arms is average and Unholy is pretty meta at this very moment.

Don’t think arms is better than unholy , fury is better for sure but not arms.

Having Die by the Sword on 1 min cd and flexible honor talent options makes it better imo.

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