2V2 Ranged PvP Tier list 9.2 Season 3 Shadowlands (AND Meta Analysis)

Hi guys,

The video starts with a meta analysis for ranged / casters in 2V2 and of course you’ll see the tier list i’ve made based of representation, personal feeling, current experience ( Do I face alot of X Classes? ) etc…

The Timestamps are seen in the description and you can of course take your time watching / listening to the video where I explain why I’ve put X spec at Y tier.

Preview of the Tier list =>

S tier (God tier ): Fire, Beast Mastery

A tier (meta): Destro, Demo, Affliction ( Warlock tier… thanks trinket ! )

B ( average): MM, Frost, Elemental

C ( Underperforming) : Balance, Shadow

D ( Unplayable) : ARCANE

Thank you for watching !

Link to the video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkQR6rAgd1c

Balance at c tier i cant really agree with, the others I’m on your side though.

For balance, it depends how good you rate the cheese that they can do with the trinket and convoque… But really, I’m never scared of a boomy except maybe with a sub rogue.
But is it because of the boomy or because of the rogue?

As a frost mage main, I’d say it’s A+ pushing S tier along with destro in MLP, outside of that, B-A

It’s a 2V2 tier list.
The 3V3 tier list is VASTLY different.

Oh mb, misread!

Nice name :slight_smile:

Likewise!l yourself!

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Ele with 4 set will get higher since it’s doing good into Hunters.

you think ? It could be ! I just think they have alot of dampening games when it’s not a kyrian one shot. Also rogues being rogues… I do rate Elem a bit higher in 3s I think . i don’t know when i’m doing a 3v3 tier list tho. I kinda wait for a patch that will eventually come and destroy casters or the trinket.

Mage S tier? How come?

Fire mage is defo S tier :smiley: Maybe I didn’t get the sarcasm

Ofc it’s sarcasm . :frowning:

oh no not these tier lists again

to be fair this time this tier list isnt that terrible. Would not say firemage is s tier in 2s though. There are way too many bad matchups for firemages.

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:smiley: We all love them right !

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