2v2 worst than its ever been?

Title says its - anyone think the same, worst experience ever.

Used to love 2v2, mixing it up with double DPS with a buddy, sometimes healer/dps.

Now it seems INSANELY imbalanced, 2’s hasnt been the most balanced but its crazy that at 1.8k you can be going against multi glads, double dps just isnt viable at all, class imbalance is crazy.

Paying monthly for a game, where you cant play classes which you enjoy - I still do but SHEEEESH


you will love it when you will que into bm and holy priest , holy can just jump ghost form while bm will just jump around and pets will maul your face


2v2 has always been my favorite game mode, practically since I’ve been playing this game. But since DF it is unplayable, now even more so. I don’t know why they neglected it so much. It was also the most popular pvp mode.


Cos 2s has been a joke bracket for 15 years.s theres no point in playing 2s so most people playing it play it 4fun or to farm conquest and Brother of these requires you to push cr.

At 1.8 which you mentioned you can make even destro lock prot warr work.

Because of disc, no one plays that bracket. Nerf voidweaver and see 2s florish


Buff rdruid and see 2v2 flourish :dracthyr_a1:


Definitely not, Cant remember which season it was but there was one where rogues were beyond broken and made up 95% of 2s games. Cant quite remember which one though, Perhaps Cata with those stupid lego daggers and burst of speed perma sprint

they could remove 2s and rated bgs we have 2 solo qs and 3v3 we dont need more

Personally love 2s because playing with just one other IRL friend is much simpler and more reliable than trying to coordinate the free time of 3 people.


2s is the learning ground tho. if there were no 2s i would have never got into playin arena. 3s format is alot more overwhelming at the start.
deleting the bracket wouldnt save pvp anyways, its mostly ded. last season when i played around 2.4 it was the same teams over and over in a q session.

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I dont wanna say that was also because of disc, but its because of disc.

There are only so many games people wanna play against people like Hemmes and the clones going full haste second dps build + a rogue.

Specially as learning ground its kinda rough for healer who want to practice but suddenly have more pressure in 2s than in 3s

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ye facing meta comps in 2s is also quite rough, especially if u dont play meta urself.
but at lower mmr 2s is definetly alot more beginner friendly then any other arena bracket.

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2v2 is a cesspool because of bm hunters, frost mages, devokers, mistweavers, ret paladins, rogues, holy paladins, ferals, rdru and dh if its in a broken state. Voidweaver priest nuking you down while you helplessly chase a bm hunter is super annoying but really my biggest gripe is with the aforementioned specs. Basically the bracket sucks and people take it way too seriously.

you lost me there buddy, imagine calling r dru broken

read again

u list alot of speccs here. ret most certainly is not meta in 2s tho.

the bracket is not really balanced and ye some comps are opressive. same is the case for 3s as well tho.
that said u are prolly takin it too serious too.
its for learning and fun and ofc to push if u want to test the limits that u have with ur specc in that bracket.
and ye most classes have speccs that are fine in 2s despite not being top tier meta.

Imagine if blizzard deleted shuffle and made it solo q 2s, just imagine.


Sorry but thats bs. Frost mage x rogue is a special case.

But every specc you mentioned is not a problem specc or only if enabled by disc priest. Most you dont even see at all in 2s.

Come mate, log on your disc when you engage in the conversation about 2s.

Also you forgot to mention how its okay that disc is broken because druid was S tier 4 years ago :>

Yea I really enjoy fighting fmage + mw or pres as a melee. Thank god they weren’t playing with a disc priest, that would have been so much worse!

After yesterday, I gotta say 2s is fu ed. 2,2 mmr and you que into the top 10-20 of the ladder who tank their mmr with low cr twinks so that they can farm some easy wins?

3 min + que time is also just wrong for wow arena which usually is instant

All games are Disc / Evoker / Monk ( to be fair the evoker is always the same guy trying to global people with a boomy )

As Dps you basically only see Warrior/ Outlaws and sometimes if you are lucky either a random caster or bm.

At this point I dont even know how 2s can be fixed as its a deflated pool of the same classes trying to snipe lower cr teams.

they need to introduce somekind of gap that makes 2,4 player unable to play with people below a certain mmr.

Highlight will probably go to the disc who was able to do like 60% of the damage of the dps players while being cc rotated. God bless voidweaver