Good day,
I’m currently 3/8 Mythic EP and almost 1.6k Rio for M+ and looking for mature people to team with for more progress and rating
Not interested in elitist, even though i will always try to push my skills and learn from mistakes.
Kind regards,
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Hey Wisnix, We could use another boomkin in our team. We are 3/8 Mythic aswell oneshotting it weekly and working on ashvane. For a more personal chat feel free to add me on realid + ill post some information down below:
“Physix” is recruiting and looking for members to expand our team. Currently we are at 8/8 heroic and 3/8 mythic. The guild has been reformed since Eternal Palace and we are aiming to get back to around rank 1200 in patch 8,3!
Currently we are full on tanks and are mainly looking for healers and dps.
We raid 2 days a week on Wednesday and Monday 19:00 till 22:00.
Besides raiding we also organize mythic+ runs and optionally normal/heroic runs to gear alts.
The guild has a history that starts at ToTc untill Hellfire Citadel!
We banter a lot but we try to clear the content within a reasonable amount of time.
You can add me on battlenet for more information or a chat!
Battlenet: Swyxia#2707
Hey there, we are the Scarlet Circle on Chamber of Aspects realm. We are currently 4/8M and we raid Thursday and Monday 21:45-00:00. So a pretty chilled out schedule, with alt/casual run on Wed, regular M+ and occasional achievement runs etc.
We’re looking for more ranged dps. IF this sounds like it could interest you then add me on scar#2634 for a chat.