3 arena comp you want to see in shadowland

I just want dh+dk to be viable so I can play it with friends, but I’d prefer it to be less dependant on manaburning and dampening and more on actually doing damage and killing stuff.

Tbh just remove manaburn


Disc + DH + X

Anyone has some good suggestion for X? Because it seems like pure garbage right now, no matter what.

Ah OK, I though cupid was rogue/war ^^

My spontaneous guess for Cupid would be Warlock with seduction pet + Hunter (for the arrows).

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I was under the impression it was Cupidcleave because of hunters bow and paladins wings


Enha feral
Ret dk
WLS with affliction

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I wont See rmx anymore that ppssible

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Still riding that hate train Rakar?

Its Not hate Not at all

What I like playing, rmp.

WWLS with affliction

having someone who rots down targets and having constant pressure is fun especially if you mix a WW between it which is somewhat of a combination of short burst windows and strong burst windows

but since they killed rot speccs in BFA these combs are not much fun or viable as they used to.

It is viable and should never ever see spotlight again let’s hope this comb gets destroyed with SL

It’s not the comp, just the way it was played in bfa with mana burn and dampening. It’s mainly because I don’t want to look for new team partners because my fun in 3v3 is rather limited - so I’d rather just play with friends.

Also DK + Affliction could be kinda fun

Fire-arms-x could be a cool comp.

People play fire wmd/wmmw now :stuck_out_tongue:

Is it any good? Haven’t done any 3s for a good while.

It is already a very good comp if played well.

Yea Blizo plays it only

Maybe go above your 1780 rating this season and you’ll see more of that.

Short version : no, not only him.

Not yet no Time for srs Arena atm or Motivation when i See ppl like u getting gladi so early cause u play rmx so sad actually.

Too much hunter! Also people only play fotm these days, no time for experimental stuff. :stuck_out_tongue:

Personally I would love to see

  • FLS: Feral + Affli + Shaman
  • Enhancer + Demo + Rdruid
  • KFChi: WW + Hunter + X

Wasnt it just called PHP or PHS? :thinking: