3 arena comp you want to see in shadowland

Gretting forums.

3 comp you want to see in shadowland ( by your preference, like the comp you love to play).

I will start with mine :

  • Thug : Hunter / rogue / Rdruid
  • Hunter / Warlock / Holy Paladin
  • KFC : Hunter / MW monk / Warrior

Your turn to tell your 3 comp you want to see in Shadowland :smile: !

For your fun of course :smiley: !

Edit : i’ve found a post with all the comp posible in arena, feel free to browse :

Double destro


I’d love to play Beastcleave again - no matter if with BM or MM but this. They can remove Hex from the same DR as trap so it will be strong again as Cupidcleave and Jungle.


L.S.D. - all variants

Epic troll 10 char

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i don’t know this one, it’s like Rogue / priest / ? ?

i’m missing the third one :smile:

Ret/Hunter/Priest or Shaman - cupid because of pink colour


What the difference between PhP and Cupid ?

Just different name

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Subtlety / MM/ Healer
Subtlety / Ret / Healer
Outlaw / Enhance/ Healer

Mainly because these specs are what my friends play.

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Any comp where I can play sub again and be happy


ahh yesss please Thug, i just love that comp so much

Turbo, Turbo and Thundercleave but with Enhance instead.

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Isn’t it called php or phx(for all variant)?

I hope we will see a lot of things working, I’m tired to see everytime the same comps over and over it’s boring.

Frozen chicken: balance/frost mage / X. I used to play it a lot with my friend before and it was so much fun until it turned into trash comp.


Nameplate cleave: UDK/Demo lock/Resto sham


I just want to play DH again without Mana Rift

Maybe I can go back MM even in 2v2 considering what they look like right now.

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Both team names are fine. Cupidcleave was used in MoP first because it was one of the most popular comps in S13.

LSD2: Lock/boomy/Rshaman
FLS: Feral/Lock/Rshaman

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