3 Gamers looking for Progress/CE Guild for S2


We are 3 experienced Wow players and are still looking for a progress-oriented guild for Season 2

What we are looking for:

-Mythical raid group with experience
-3 raid days (preferably with boosting runs because we are always broke)
-Activity also outside of raid times for M+ etc
-Constructive environment without unnecessary egos

Those would be our wishes, but please feel free to get in touch even if not everything applies to you. We are flexible.

What we bring with us:

-A lot of experience in mythic
-High activity
-M+ active
-Not afraid of mechanics
-Wipe Resistant (we dont wipe)

Our classes:

-Havoc DH/Enhancer (but more Havoc in raids)

Contact Bnet: Tsuri#21305