3 more days to go, what are you doing to pass the time?

I got Loremaster for the new expansion.
First time for me that I get it this early; questing was fun.

Not much, I am finding it hard to enjoy much of anything WoW cause of the story, characters and general annoyance.
Finished the “Warband exp”-thing, got 7 toons to 80 already.
I sell things on AH, and try level more, gave up on the lynx dropping.

Half-playing other games, watching youtube.
In general I would say I am bored and disapointed.

-surprised pikachu face-

I’m a stay at home dad :slight_smile:

Wow is the only thing I play and is always open on my computer. I need it to relax as I’m the carer for my little girl who is the Queen of all things Austim. So when she is in her quiet & playing nicely mood, I play :slight_smile:

Plus, I need the distract from all the Cocomelon playing on the TV, which if it’s not playing she’s going into the screaming fit of the century.

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Ah, I understand… sounds like a well-deserved distraction from a tough parenting job. Do you have many alts? I’ve got one of each class, now aiming to have one of each race and then one of each spec.

I have alts, but they’re all level 70.

I’m just focusing on this Protection Warrior and hopefully won’t need to change character any time soon. Used to main a Warlock back in DF, so wanted to tank this expansion.

I finished gearing up my Pala/mage so it’s ready for wednesday.
I’m gonna play space marine 2 tomorrow it looks like a lot of FUN.

Only thing I’ve eased out of till unlock was Delves.
For the rest I’ve been levelling alts, grind professions and playing other games.

Me and my wife haven’t even started playing our main characters in TWW (Work, Conventions, family visits, stuff all happening during the same time).

Both alts are raid ready so now I’m playing Overwatch and hating every second of it.

The usual stuff.
Farming mats, selling it on the AH, getting renown, leveling another character.

Wish I had the time most people seem to …
I’ll continue levelling my main (she’s reached 79 so nearly there) and finishing the campaign quests which hopefully will be soon but I’m not confident.
Then I’ll do all the side quests which I’ve ignored to concentrate on the campaign and maybe work on renown and start looking at (and probably giving up) professions.
And that’s just my first character.

Play Darktide.

Astro Bot and Space Marine 2

I have been playing on average 4 hours per day, and I’ve yet to complete the campaign
I have not completed the Sojourner achievements yet.
I have not caught the vast majority of the new battle pets yet, I’ve only caught about 5.
My production profession is still in the low 40s in skill, while fishing is still at 5!

That is on my main character. None of my alts have started yet, they’re still all in Valdrakken.

People who have “nothing to do” have not even started played the game.

Huh, im playing the game because I don’t live for repeating the same content for 2 years for stupid numbers?

Overwatch was garbage after it became “2”; anyone playing it is a drone.

The gameplay still scratches the same itch as the first one. As long as it does that I’m fine with it.

It’s considerably different lol, many complaints on the 5v5.

I have been improving my hearthstone game, I cannot wait for the new raid to open.

… what happens in 3 days? :no_mouth: