3 more days to go, what are you doing to pass the time?

So we have 3 days to go, until we can finally get into more content in The War Within!

So what are you doing to pass the time, if you’re ingame?

Farming herbs/ore/fish and selling it on the AH.

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Im building a village in conan exiles.


play another game

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Trying to optimize settings so the raid doesn’t look like a PowerPoint presentation.

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I’m just playing the game.

Im playing another games and trying to get alts ready dor m+

I’m doing wax farms to have a ton ready for next week, when I burn through all my valorstones, so I can refill the cap back in instantly.

Also, while doing the farming, I’m going through this movie list!


Get the last 2 levels for my 4th character to max level. I guess.
A few more WQs. Maybe a little more mining on my main. Dunno.

^^ This

Got plenty to be getting on with.

Making millions ~ Average 1.7 mill per day:)

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Siegehold farm? I bet that will get nerfed soon :stuck_out_tongue:

professions ")

Out of curiosity, what’s your /played at level 80?

9 days & 8 hours.

Finished Space Marine 2 campaign in 2 days

Playing Tactical Breach Wizards, as a Mage I just have to, loving it so far.

3 more days to what?
After 3 days I`ll do the same…
Farm BGs for conquest gear.

Up too tier 11 Delves

No sure if anything new PvP wise is being added, maybe rated! But again not sure on the PvP side of things as I don’t really enjoy it as much as I would like too.

honor farm and war chests

other than farming professions so i can craft BiS gear